"Dare you If you dare to die here, Vicky

Park Zhihao was stunned by Luo Xiwei's words. It was cruel of her to say such a thing! Park Zhihao suddenly looked at Luo Xiwei with a new look, and all his slight misgivings about Luo Xiwei were thrown out of the clouds. Looking at Luo Xiwei so calm and calm, it is simply different from the delicate panic Luo Xiwei who was pressed under him a few days ago.

Is she able to make such a big change because of her inner strength? Or is it that when a girl changes from a girl to a woman, she will no longer shrink back like before and will know how to protect herself by some means? Park Zhihao couldn't figure it out. However, looking at Luo Xiwei can so know how to protect himself, park Zhihao's heart also got some comfort. He knew that he liked Luo Xiwei. In fact, he also hoped that he could treat Luo Xiwei like he did to Li Meiluo. He not only wanted to love each other, but also wanted to be good to her and sincerely hoped that she would be good. However, as long as he saw Luo Xiwei, he couldn't restrain a kind of inexplicable impulse in his heart. Even if he knew that Luo Xiwei had become a woman of others, he still wanted to possess her.

Park Zhihao himself did not know why he was like this. Perhaps it was because she had always been so arrogant to him that he did not dare to be too close to her. And this Luo Xiwei, has always been so weak, so Park Zhihao in the desire to protect her, but also so want to occupy her, let her become his own woman.

Yes! It must be that luoxiwei is much weaker than limello! Park Zhihao finally helped himself find the answer. He knew that if Li Meiluo was forced to come, she would surely think of a way to escape and make him better. And Luo Xiwei, she seems to have never wanted to give anyone color to see the action, she is always so helpless, even the escape method can not come out at all! She's too weak! Therefore, park Zhihao wanted to protect and possess her so strongly!

Looking at Luo Xiwei, who suddenly becomes confident and has a way out, park Zhihao not only looks at her with a new look, but also looks at her with awe! It seems that the little girl who is always pretty has really grown up. Perhaps, she has grown up since she began to ask him to talk about the co-operation of the movie "offending the God by mistake". At that time, park Zhihao had already felt Luo Xiwei's strength which was not so fragile. When she is a person, when no one to protect her, she can be so powerful!

Park Zhihao found that his feelings for Luo Xiwei began to fall further. He also found that luoxiwei was slowly becoming strong, just like Li Meiluo. He was both happy and frightened by the change. To his delight, loxiwei became more and more popular with him. But what he was afraid of was that he was afraid that luoxiwei would one day become as powerful as Li Meiluo and not like luoxiwei himself. In this way, Luo Xiwei becomes Li Meiluo. Should he go to ailuoxiwei or love limeluo himself? Park Zhihao couldn't figure it out. Although, he did not think that no matter what luoxiwei becomes, she will not become his woman. And Li Meiluo was not the one he should love. Between Luo Xiwei and Li Meiluo, he never had the right to choose, even the right to be chosen.

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