"What?" A feeling of fear suddenly fell on Luo Xiwei's mind. "You mean, you have the key to this room?"

Park Zhihao nodded very comfortably.

"My God Luoxiwei was terrified. "If I live with you, you can't enter my room anytime, anywhere? By the way, you just... " Luo Xiwei's eyes turned, and wanted to continue to ask, but could not ask.

"Don't worry. I just gave you a hug. I didn't do anything to you." Park explained.

"Well Why do you want to come into my room and lie down on me so shamelessly? " When Luo Xiwei said the last few words, she was so shy that she didn't even have the courage. Her voice became weaker and weaker, so weak that park Zhihao almost couldn't hear her voice.

"Please! I'm afraid that you can't roll over on the hot side of the bed, because you can't roll over on the other side of the bed Speaking of this, park Zhihao couldn't help but get closer to Luo Xiwei, "say, are you dreaming?"

"How do you know?" "I seem to be dreaming," Loewe asked

"Dreaming of being with a man?" Asked Park Chi ho.

"Yes." Luo Xiwei replied.

"Who?" Park Zhihao's heart was suddenly raised. Although he didn't have to think about it, he knew that the man must be Park Min Ho, but park Chi ho couldn't help asking. He wanted to hear Luo Xiwei say who the man was. He even wanted to hear from Luo Xiwei that the man was Park Zhihao!

However, it always goes against our wishes. Luo Xiwei blurted out without thinking: "of course it's Min Ho!"

She was so excited that when she mentioned the name "Park Min Ho", her eyes glowed, which made Park Zhihao not only feel jealous, but also seemed to see Luo Xiwei's


Although Park Zhihao didn't want to use this word to describe Luo Xiwei, when she mentioned Park Min Ho in her mouth, park Zhihao really wished his name was Park Min Ho instead of Park Chi ho!

"What dream is it?" Park Zhihao suddenly stood up. The word "spring dream" with interrogative tone had come to his mouth, but he could not say it. If not, isn't Pu Zhihao more evil? He strained his nerves and fixed his eyes on Luo Xiwei. He asked expectantly.

"I dreamt that I was in his car and he was going to take me on a journey. But I don't know why, on the highway, "bang" sound, we hit the car, the car fell down, the car and we were all on fire, very hot. Later, I felt that I was pressed by the car and couldn't move any more... " Said Luo Xiwei.

No wonder Luo Xiwei kept turning her body and shouting hot. It turned out that she had a dream that the car was on fire and the people were on fire! In a difficult situation, she would feel oppressed by the car. In fact, it was Park Zhihao who held her down! And that "bang" sound, perhaps is actually Park Zhihao door closing sound! It turns out that all the dreams are due to park Zhihao! At the moment, park Zhihao is very glad that he did not ask Luo Xiwei whether it is a spring dream, otherwise, his face will really disappear when asked about this word.

However, Pu Zhihao was happy that his behavior could influence Luo Xiwei's behavior. Although it was just Luo Xiwei's behavior in the dream.

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