"What are you talking about?" Luo Xiwei felt a little unprepared.

"I mean, you're getting more and more humorous." Park Zhihao said with a smile.

"Is it?" Luo Xi Wei pursed a smile, "however, I did not say wrong, you really want to be beautiful."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll push you down on the sofa for a moment of anger, and then trample you like park Min Ho did that night?" Park Zhihao asked in a somewhat sinister way.

"Not afraid." Luo Xiwei suddenly felt calm. She shrugged and said to park.

"Why?" Asked Park Chi ho.

"If you really want to, you've already done it." "But you didn't," said rothwig confidently. So I'm sure you won't do that. "

"Oh! You know me better and better Park Zhihao joked.

"Yes." Luo Xiwei way, "say, you haven't said, how can I be responsible for your shirt?"

"Make a promise to each other..." Park Zhihao continued to joke and looked at the expression on Luo Xiwei's face.

Luo Xiwei showed a look of disdain, and suddenly squatted down and laughed: "I said Park Zhihao, can you stop being so funny? I know you're not going to do this to me. I can see that you didn't do that when I was sleeping, and neither did you just now, so you won't do that. Come on Come on, what do you want? "

"All right." Park Zhihao shrugged helplessly, "then stand up first. I'm afraid I'm too tall for you to hear. Luo Xiwei, you are short originally. I'm afraid you can't hear you when you stand in front of me. If you squat, it will be more difficult to hear. "

"Good." Luo Xiwei "rub" ground to stand up, but the heel was reeling back. She suddenly felt a little unstable in her center of gravity and felt dizzy. She put her hand on her forehead in a daze.

Park Zhihao seemed to be aware of Luo Xiwei's discomfort and held her arm very kindly. At first, Luo Xiwei drew back her hand with some resistance, but due to the instability of her gravity, she finally accepted the help of Pu Zhihao.

"What's the matter with you, vivie?" Park Zhihao asked, "do you suddenly stand up and feel dizzy and lack of oxygen?"

Luo Xiwei couldn't say what she felt, but after Park Zhihao said this, she suddenly felt that she was clearly that feeling! So, Luo Xiwei a strength son place head way: "right, right! That's how it feels

"Don't nod, don't move your head, it will make your head more dizzy." Park Zhihao is very considerate, "you stand still, I'll give you a cup of brown sugar water, drink it."

Park Zhihao's intimacy made Luo Xiwei feel very warm. Luo Xiwei took the water that park Zhihao handed her, and felt infinite beauty in her heart.

"Thank you." Luo Xiwei finished drinking, and soon the whole person began to recover. It seems that this sugar water has a special magic, which can make her dizzy just now become energetic.

"You're welcome. It's my duty to take care of beautiful women." "I'll take care of the poor shirt as long as you don't mind

"Responsible?" "What do you want me to be responsible for your shirt? It's not really a promise to you, is it? I feel a little scared. "

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