"Cheng Xuehui, what do you mean Luo Xiwei suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, so her square inch became a little messy.

"What do you mean?" Cheng Xuehui looked at Luo Xiwei carefully from top to bottom, "you look very pure, but in fact? I entered this community with PU Zhihao in the middle of the night yesterday. Then, who knows what you did with Park Zhihao when you lived there? What's more ridiculous is that I went to park Zhihao this morning and found you in his room. By the way, if you don't believe it, I can show you. I have proof. " With that, Cheng Xuehui even took out her mobile phone and showed the photo taken in park Zhihao's room in the morning in front of everyone. She seemed to have a great intention to discredit her.

"You Roche Witton was speechless. She really felt that if Cheng Xuehui really showed people the picture taken in park Zhihao's room this time, I'm afraid that she was jumping into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it clearly. As a result, Luo Xiwei's heart is extremely flustered. She urgently hopes that Cheng Xuehui can not show her mobile phone to everyone, but even if she wants to stop it urgently, she can't show her urgency in her own actions.

Cheng Xuehui didn't pay too much attention to Luo Xiwei. She just glared at Luo Xiwei fiercely, and then transferred all her energy to the people: "here, everyone, have a look at what this is! This was taken when I went to park Chi Ho's house this morning. Did you see that? Park Zhihao's upper body was not dressed. They were so close together. Originally, when I took this picture, park Zhihao's hand was on Luo Xiwei's waist, but when I was holding my mobile phone, park Zhihao saw it, so Park Zhihao immediately retracted his hand. Here, look, look! The two of them stood so close, and I was Park Zhihao's girlfriend! Moreover, park Zhihao admitted in front of me that he liked luoxiwei. He said that he had fallen in love with luoxiwei deeply, so he said he would break up with me this morning! Park Zhihao lived with Luo Xiwei before breaking up with me, and wanted to break up with me because of Luo Xiwei. What do you think Luo Xiwei is not robbing someone else's boyfriend Cheng Xuehui's sharp teeth and sharp mouth, together with such persuasive photos, make people can't believe Luo Xiwei any more, and they all stand on the side of Cheng Xuehui.

"Cheng Xuehui, you are nonsense!" Luo Xiwei was almost about to cry when Cheng Xuehui said, "I didn't rob your boyfriend! I'm not a junior! "

"Generally, the junior three will not admit that they are junior three. They will make excuses and say that they do not know that a man has a girlfriend. It is a man who deceives her and she is also a victim! But, Luo Xiwei, don't you know that I am Park Zhihao's girlfriend? Almost all the members of the crew know that park Zhihao and I are friends. When you go to the hotel to discuss the pay, you know that I live with Park Zhihao. We are friends of men and women. But you were in his house last night when you knew that park had a girlfriend Overnight? Luo Xiwei, are you really as pure as the media reports? Can you tell us why you stayed at Park Chi Ho's last night? "

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