At the moment, Luo Xiwei was totally unable to argue. She looked at the people around her, knowing that she would not be able to wash it even if she jumped into the Yellow River this time. The video is true, but Cheng Xuehui's inference is wrong. She is totally slandering her! Luo Xiwei can't face such things as being slandered by Cheng Xuehui. She looks at the people around her in a flustered way, as if they seem to have more faith in Cheng Xuehui's words.

"Although this video is true." Luo Xiwei said, "but, Cheng Xuehui, things are not what you said, please don't guess at random." Said Luo Xiwei solemnly.

When Luo Xiwei admitted that the video was true, the eyes of people looking at Luo Xiwei became more and more strange. Luo Xiwei also appears more and more flustered.

"Here, luoxiwei." Cheng Xuehui smiles and walks closer to luoxiwei. "Do you finally admit that you went to park Zhihao's house for the night?"

"I..." Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that the six gods had no master, "but, things are not what you said. Cheng Xuehui, you didn't see anything. Please don't spit out blood! " Luoxiwei road.

"Oh Cheng Xuehui sneered, "you stayed in my boyfriend's house for a night, and you said I was bloody? Luo Xiwei, you are really shameless! Robbing my ex boyfriend doesn't count, but my present boyfriend! Luo Xiwei, what did I owe you in my last life? Do you want to live with me like this Cheng Xuehui looks plausible. She angrily looked at Luo Xiwei, who was very timid. Finally, she threw her right hand, which she had controlled for a long time, on Luo Xiwei's face.

"Pa" to a sound, let Luo Xiwei to the eyes of an instant full of tears. However, Luo Xiwei has been trying hard to endure, which makes her tears do not fall down. She looked at Cheng Xuehui wrongly and helplessly at the onlookers. However, the onlookers were always onlookers. They just looked at Luo Xiwei with strange eyes and felt that she was no doubt a junior. Almost no one carefully thought about whether Cheng Xuehui's guess was correct. According to the logic of ordinary people, a new female star spent the night at the president's home of yanmiao group, which must have happened some shady things. Therefore, it is quite good for a junior like Luo Xiwei not to scold her and beat her up. There is no need to doubt whether she is innocent, but to believe that she is a junior who robbed other people's boyfriends, or a woman who wants to play with her beauty. In their eyes, luoxiwei at the moment is like a pile of mud, there is no need to believe her.

However, at this time, a woman who looked more than 60 years old and looked very temperament squeezed out of the crowd and came to Luo Xiwei.

Luo Xiwei was a little surprised to see her. She didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of this person.

However, when all the people were talking about Luo Xiwei, the aunt took out a paper towel from her pocket and sent it to Luo Xiwei sensitively: "girl, wipe your tears!"

Luo Xiwei realized that her tears had already begun to fall down, and when she heard the words and saw the actions of the aunt, she was even more tearful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!