"I..." The girl felt speechless for a moment. Although Cheng Xuehui's words all sound absurd, but the contents behind are all guessed by Cheng Xuehui! She did not fall in love, did not know the man's mind. Therefore, the little girl at the moment did not know what to say to refute Cheng Xuehui. She could only stand in silence and sigh.

However, at this time, the downstairs were suddenly dark, and a group of well-dressed people who looked full of professional temperament suddenly swarmed up from the outside, almost blocking the whole downstairs lobby. Each of them had something in their hands, some with cameras, some with microphones, some with recorders and notes

Luo Xiwei, who has already had some experience of being interviewed, suddenly understood that it was a reporter who came to interview! But now, even if Luo Xiwei wants to escape, there seems to be no place to go. The people who watched her just now saw the arrival of the reporters. They surrounded Luo Xiwei again, leaving Luo Xiwei nowhere to escape.

Journalists swarmed in. Although this kind of picture makes Luo Xiwei feel afraid, but also helpless.

"We have received news that Luo Xiwei spent the night in park Zhihao's room last night. Is this true?" A female journalist who looks about 30 years old holds a microphone in her hand and her eyes are full of expectation. At the end of her speech, she put the microphone to Luo Xiwei's mouth. Even other colleagues helped to move their microphones to luoxiwei's mouth.

Roxie looked at them with a little stupidity. She didn't dare to lie because what she heard was true. However, she did not want to admit that she was afraid that entertainment journalists would scribble in newspapers and magazines, and that people would look at her with dirty eyes.

See Luo Xiwei no response, Cheng Xuehui immediately grabbed a microphone, and said aloud: "yes, this is absolutely true."

A male reporter felt a little strange. He looked at Luo Xiwei's helpless appearance and Cheng Xuehui's domineering appearance. He always felt that Cheng Xuehui was bullying people. Therefore, he asked Cheng Xuehui, "Xuehui, I wonder if you are sure Luo Xiwei spent the night there yesterday? If you are not sure, if you say so, it will obviously make the relationship between you and luoxiwei discord. Don't you mind that you make conflicts with your peers like this

Cheng Xuehui can clearly hear that the male reporter's tone of voice is everywhere protecting Luo Xiwei, and it seems that she is still doubting the authenticity of her words. She chuckled: "I'm sure, because I have surveillance video from last night on my cell phone. The video shows that Luo Xiwei and park Zhihao got on the elevator at 11:00 last night and stopped at the floor where Park Zhihao's room is located. And the monitoring has not shown that luoxiwei has ever come out of this elevator. That is to say, from 11 o'clock last night to just now, Luo Xiwei has been living in park Zhihao's house. "

"Well Xuehui, have you ever thought that maybe luoxiwei has a house in this community? Maybe she's going back to her own place? " Or that male reporter, or with a voice of defending Luo Xiwei.

Cheng Xuehui looks at this reporter who looks very old and sharp. All of a sudden, Cheng Xuehui is convinced that the male reporter is either a fan of Luo Xiwei or someone has stuffed him with money. That's why he hides secrets and protects Luo Xiwei.

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