The media were stunned! Luo Xiwei, such a big man, cried so much like a child! Is she too simple or too artificial? However, any reporter can not see that Luo Xiwei's crying has any affectation. They look at that triumphant standing there, as if announcing their own victory, Cheng Xuehui suddenly feel disgusted.

Although Cheng Xuehui did not show that kind of ecstasy, but experienced veteran journalists still deeply feel the sense of victory from Cheng Xuehui's heart. However, Cheng Xuehui is still a senior in the entertainment industry. No reporter dares to offend her.

Several young reporters were very happy. Today, they not only got the news that Luo Xiwei was a junior three, but also got a more violent news: Park Zhihao, the current president of yanmiao group, was actually the son of the chairman of the board of directors, park Zhentian! Why didn't they think of it earlier? There is only one word difference between the names of Pu Zhihao and Pu minhao

Oh, no, the president, didn't he say his name was Li Zhihao? When did he become Park Zhihao? A young reporter suddenly reflected, and then immediately asked Cheng Xuehui, and moved the microphone to Cheng Xuehui's front.

Cheng Xuehui had no choice but to "hum" in her heart. However, she was still very patient and said to this reporter: "in fact, Li Zhihao is park Zhihao. However, I don't know why he changed his name since he became the president of yanmiao group. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is the son of Pu Zhentian! "

"Is he really the son of Pu Zhentian?" Small reporter's face still wrote a big "muddle" word, doubt to Cheng Xuehui said.

Cheng Xuehui really thinks that such a qualified person can also be a reporter, which is really an eye opener for her. She looked at the conscientious little reporter helplessly and said, "it's true." She was too lazy to say more, so as not to appear to speak too much to such a young reporter, and to appear too stupid.

Cheng Xuehui saw Luo Xiwei cry, attracted all the reporters in the past, immediately arrived quite unhappy. She loves to grab the camera so much. At the moment, she can't care about her reputation, as long as she can have a camera. So she came to luoxiwei in silence.

Reporters see Cheng Xuehui seems to have something to say to Luo Xiwei. They surround Luo Xiwei. They give Cheng Xuehui a channel.

However, Cheng Xuehui is very angry to come to luoxiwei. When luoxiwei was looking at her suspiciously, she unexpectedly stretched out her right hand and stayed in the air for about 0.01 seconds. Then, her palm landed on her left face.

"Pa" to a sound, all people are shocked! Cheng Xuehui actually hit Luo Xiwei.

When Cheng Xuehui faced the reporters' doubts and some disdainful eyes, Cheng Xuehui suddenly understood that beating people in front of the public was a matter of much censure. However, for her own unreasonable, she suddenly thought of a good reason. So, she pointed to Luo Xiwei's nose and cursed: "Luo Xiwei, you shameless little three, it's not enough to rob my boyfriend once, but also for the second time! I'm not finished with you, lothia Finish saying, Cheng Xuehui will start to pinch Luo Xiwei's neck. , the fastest update of the webnovel!