"Park Min Ho!"

"President Park!"

The reporters were calling for park Minho, and several senior reporters surrounded him.

"Hello Park Min Ho said hello to the reporters very politely. Those reporters, park Min Ho, have long been familiar with them, especially the older ones. After many interviews with Park Min Ho, they also established a deep friendship with Park Min Ho. In front of Park Minho, they never deliberately create difficulties. Even if you want to interview Park minhao with some deep-seated questions, you can always make him feel comfortable. Park Minho held out his right hand and said hello to the reporters. Obviously, the beginning was very happy.

"President Park, why are you here?" A senior female reporter asked, "usually we want to interview you, but you still can't do it. Either we need to make an appointment in advance, or we need to squat at a fixed time. When we are not lucky, we squat for several days and nights. How can you automatically deliver it to your door today? The news we have received today has been so explosive that you don't know how much news we can get? You are really our lucky star. It seems that all the people interviewed here today are stained with your light. This time, we can get so many exciting news. We can get a good promotion and raise

"Oh? Is it? " Park Min Ho said with a smile, "tell me, what's the news? Let me hear it. Let me have a blast. "

"President Park, this is your mistake. You are the president and we are journalists. Of course, we should interview you. How can you interview us? We can't afford it Senior female reporter joked. She looks as if she has known Park Min Ho for a long time. She has interviewed him several times.

"All right." Park Min Ho laughed, "I know you are afraid that I will steal your big news, and that I will sell such valuable news to other reporters in a flash, so your news will be worthless. In that case, I'm not meddling. I'm here to give you the answer, seeing that you are chatting so enthusiastically

"The answer?" Reporters appeared a little confused, "what's the answer?"

"It's the question you just asked Park Chi ho. I can tell you the answer." Park Min Ho said very calmly.

"Is it The reporters gathered around them even more, "then tell us what happened. They have different opinions, and we can't find out what the truth is. Since President Park Min Ho is willing to give us some advice, we really want to know what happened. President Park Min Ho has always been so prestigious. We believe you can give us a very accurate fact. "

"Yes, yes!" The reporters echoed and sent the microphone to park Minho's mouth.

"In fact, it's like this." Park Min Ho quickly organized the language in his head and said with a smile, "do you want to know what happened in park Zhihao's room last night?" Park Min Ho did not directly tell them the answer, but with a smile, told reporters.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The reporters were very excited, "what kind of situation was it last night?"

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