"I still said that. you must be dreaming! If I had to choose between luoxiwei and yanmiao group, I would not hesitate to choose luoxiwei and give up yanmiao group. " Park Min Ho's thumb moved quickly. No matter what he said, he could not betray Luo Xiwei and put her in danger.

"Then I can only offend." Cheng Xuehui quickly sent out this last message. She has been completely infuriated by park minhao's words. Park minhao is so aloxiwei. In front of Cheng Xuehui, she once again shows a look of love saint, which makes Cheng Xuehui's soul once again severely hit by men. As a result, she could not wait for park Min Ho's reply, so she quickly rushed out of the bathroom and appeared in front of the reporters again.

Maybe it's because Cheng Xuehui came out too fast, so her elegant long hair seemed a little messy, covering Cheng Xuehui's face all of a sudden.

The reporters see Cheng Xuehui come out, and immediately chase up, want to continue from Cheng Xuehui where to find out exactly.

Cheng Xuehui sees so many lens to point to her, suddenly appears somewhat embarrassed. She was afraid that the media photographed her face covered by messy hair, which would make her beautiful and enchanting look ugly. And Cheng Xuehui is so concerned about her external image at the moment. She really wishes that she is beautiful all the time without leaving such a messy impression on the media and the audience.

"Cheng Xuehui is out!" Reporter's mouth side says, side toward Cheng Xuehui to surround go up. Seeing Cheng Xuehui come all the way, they seem to be looking forward to the answer.

"Xuehui! Snow One young reporter exclaimed in great excitement, "you know what? I've always been a big fan of you. I grew up watching your play! You have always been my idol Little reporter Jiao didi said to Cheng Xuehui. She patronizes to express her heart to the idol, but completely forgets that she is a reporter, her duty is to interview Cheng Xuehui, not to tell which star she loves. This cute little reporter looks so young and inexperienced that he really makes his colleagues laugh. What magazine does she belong to in such a big scene? What does the editor in chief of their magazine think about such a young and inexperienced person who says something that has nothing to do with the interview?

However, the journalists of the same trade didn't worry too much. They just looked at the little reporter a few times and quickly turned their eyes to Cheng Xuehui.

Cheng Xuehui was said by this reporter. Her charming smile suddenly froze on her face. She hated to hear others say that she grew up watching her TV series, which made her look older and the other side very small. Cheng Xuehui looks at the other side carefully. Although she is not very old-fashioned and her eyes are very young, no matter her skin or her appearance, she looks like she is about the same age as Cheng Xuehui.

"Hum! Watching my TV series grow up? You're so old, then Cheng Xuehui can't help but feel disgusted at this little reporter in her heart, thinking silently in her heart. She looked directly at the little reporter, only to smile at her politely without saying much.

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