In the restaurant, the reporters had already eaten.

Several journalists, who looked very old, sat at the same table, and they combined the tables together, looking very happy. Mr. Park and Mr. park all of a sudden come up to the table to greet you

Park Min Ho swept the whole restaurant, it seems that he did not see Luo Xiwei's figure. He said with a smile: "no, I have something to do later." He went straight to the checkout and said a few words to the owner. The restaurant owner nodded again and again, and park min ha finally backed out again. He seemed to be leaving immediately. "I'm really sorry, everyone. I'm afraid I have to go first. I can't have dinner with you. I've already discussed with my boss about the check-out. Please don't be polite and order your meal at will. All the expenses consumed at noon today will be recorded in my account! "

However, when Park Min Ho was just about to step out of the restaurant, he was suddenly stopped by a girl standing in front of him at the door, with one hand on his hips and the other hand holding high on the wall.

Right, it's Cheng Xuehui!

Park Min Ho's heart is very anxious. At the moment, he only wants to find Luo Xiwei early. He is not interested in anything! Not to mention suddenly standing in front of her is such a troublesome Cheng Xuehui, a woman who always likes to find fault and makes everything in a mess! She gave Park Min Ho a very uncomfortable look, as if the expression on his face seemed very anxious.

But what about that? Cheng Xuehui looks at the worried Park minhao, but she is very proud in her heart. She likes to look at PU minhao's anxious appearance. The more anxious he is, the more happy Cheng Xuehui is. Moreover, the more anxious he wanted to leave, the more she wanted to leave him, to stop him in front of him and not to let him go.

"Cheng Xuehui, why are you here?" Park Min Ho.

"Why, just now the president of Puda was still clamouring to invite me to dinner, but now he asks why I am here?" Cheng Xuehui took a enchanting look at Park Min Ho. She looked at Park Min Ho from top to bottom. Then, she put her eyes on Park Min Ho's eyes again. "President Park, you don't regret asking me to come here for dinner?"

"Of course not." Park Min Ho said, "if you want to eat, of course you can join the reporters. Or, if you don't want to eat with the reporters and want to have a quiet life, you can also open a private room here. You can order whatever you want, and everything will be counted on my account." With that, park Min Ho turns his body 90 degrees so that Cheng Xuehui can enter the door more conveniently.

However, Cheng Xuehui has been standing there, and has never entered. Besides, she put the hand on the door, so that the whole person stopped at the door. It seems more difficult for park Min Ho to leave here.

"Cheng Xuehui, why don't you go into the restaurant?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"I want to eat with you." Cheng Xuehui said brazenly to park minhao. She was deliberately coquettish and cute, and put her body in a "s" shape, which seemed to have the suspicion of deliberately luring Park minhao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!