"This woman is so cheap." Park Zhihao looks at Cheng Xuehui's face and scolds silently.

"I'm not afraid. I'm a man, and I won't suffer from it." Park Min Ho joked, "but you are a woman, so you suffer."

"I'm not afraid to lose." Cheng Xuehui is still smiling beautifully. She looks at Park minhao and says, "or, would you like to have a try? I really want to have a taste of what it's like to suffer a loss from President Park Min Ho. "

"Hum." Park Min Ho sneered, "but today, I just don't want you to suffer from this loss." Park Min Ho said obstinately.

"Yes?" Cheng Xuehui white one eye Park minhao, "then had to aggrieve you today don't leave here."

When Park Min Ho was thinking about the way to leave here, he suddenly found a man standing beside him. The man was neither his brother Park Zhihao nor a reporter here. It seemed that he did not know anyone at all.

"This beauty, please give way." Said the stranger politely.

"Beauty? Don't you know me? Don't you know who I am? " Cheng Xuehui looks at this strange face up and down. He looks a little green, but there is no lack of politeness and education in the green and astringent. His eyes are very clear and simple. It seems that he has not been polluted by the society at all. She speculated that the other party must be a college student about to graduate, or a graduate student. In short, he must be a simple and cultured young man who has not yet entered the society. Cheng Xuehui smiles at him very kindly and says, "I haven't seen you. You're not the reporter who interviewed me just now? "

"I'm not a journalist." The stranger was still very polite and said, "could you please make way?"

"Don't you, you, your, can I have my name?" Cheng Xuehui said, "if you call my name, I'll make way for you." Although Cheng Xuehui said so, only she knew in her heart that even if the other party called her name, I'm afraid she would not give him a way, because she stopped here to prevent Park Min Ho from leaving here. Once his hand is removed from the door frame and the stranger is released, park Min Ho is bound to wait for an opportunity to leave. Then, all the efforts Cheng Xuehui has put in vain.

"Well All right The strange man stopped, but let Cheng Xuehui's eyes let out a light. She thought the man didn't know her, but now he said "OK", which made Cheng Xuehui very happy! However, such joy did not delay too long, and soon let Cheng Xuehui wilt down. The strange man seemed a little shy. He looked at Cheng Xuehui with some embarrassment and asked, "that What's your name, please

"What?" Cheng Xuehui was almost angry by the man who looked wooden. After so long ink, he didn't know Cheng Xuehui's name! She looked at him very disappointed and kind, "don't you know my name? Don't you know me

The man shook his head very seriously: "I don't know."

"No? How can you not even know me? by the way! A few days ago, a hot TV series, very popular, "mistaking men", have you seen it Cheng Xuehui was surprised and asked.

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