"So it is!" A reporter suddenly realized that he seemed to have found something bright.

All the reporters looked at him, because other reporters had not found anything, and even if some reporters found something, they did not dare to guess casually.

"What is it?" Reporters asked him.

"I don't know if my guess is correct..." Some reporters faltered, "forget it, you'd better ask President Park himself!"

"Cough." Park Zhihao cleared his throat and said, "since everyone has not fully understood it, let me explain it to you today. The causes and consequences of such a thing are clearly explained, but also can return Luo Xiwei a clean. Of course, I also hope that after this incident and this storm, we will not write negative reports that bring negative emotions to the masses. Finally, I also hope I hope that Cheng Xuehui, who has been red for half a day, will not continue to worry about this matter. As long as the context of the matter is clear, Cheng Xuehui will not chase Luo Xiwei. I admit that I dumped Cheng Xuehui, but this is not the reason for any woman, it is entirely my own reason. Cheng Xuehui, if you have any resentment, you may sprinkle it on me alone. I am willing to bear all the consequences for what I have done, but I hope you will not continue to drag innocent people into the water. "

Park Zhihao a plausible appearance, let Cheng Xuehui incomparable disgust. At his residence in the morning, he admitted that he liked Luo Xiwei, and even deeply loved Luo Xiwei. Now, he said these words in a dignified manner. What a shame! Cheng Xuehui really regrets that he didn't take out his mobile phone in time to record what Park Zhihao said in the morning, leading to now giving him a chance not to admit it. She looked at Park Zhihao angrily. She didn't know what way to vent her anger.

"Hum." Cheng Xuehui disdainfully glanced at PU Zhihao, "OK, don't pretend to be a saint. If you are really as moral as you say, you are not as good as you are now. Yes, I admit that you seem to be magnanimous in front of reporters, but I'm afraid only you know what kind of person you are! Park Zhihao, you are not a man at all, regardless of your well-dressed appearance Cheng Xuehui is extremely angry. She is very disgusted with Park Zhihao's strong looks.

Park Zhihao didn't pay attention to what Cheng Xuehui was saying. At the moment, he just wanted to explain the pause in the video to everyone. He knows that no matter how much communication and confrontation with Cheng Xuehui, not only can not solve the problem, but also expose his irresponsibility to women. Therefore, Pu Zhihao was not interested in war at all, especially with a woman. What's more, he had a verbal war with a woman who seemed to be tender but actually loved to make trouble out of nothing. I'm afraid that all such arguments should be despised by men. If we really fight with Cheng Xuehui, I'm afraid it will not only surprise the major media, but also make the citizens of Jiangchuan City laugh. Does the president of Yan Miao group have to contend with such a woman? As long as we can explain clearly the pictures in this video, park Zhihao thinks that even if Cheng Xuehui is more fierce and how to make rumors, I'm afraid no reporter will believe her!

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