"Park Min Ho, would you please answer my question and then make fun of me?" Park Zhihao said very seriously.

"Good!" Park Min Ho nodded and smiled, "I remember that when I came in from the gate, Cheng Xuehui had no voice. And then, as I stand here, you are Oh, you're just changing positions. You're on the top and you're in the back

"Park Min Ho! You Park Zhihao looked at him impatiently, and his face turned red with anger.

"Zhihao, you asked me when I came in. If you two don't want to forget me, I'm sure. So, I think if I said that, you would know. Well, now you know when I came in and what I saw? I think I should have explained it clearly! But if you think I'm not clear enough, I don't mind describing what I saw in detail. Although my expressive ability is not so good, I think it is OK to describe the scene just now Park Min Ho said, laughing excitedly.

"All right, all right! You don't have to go on! " Park Zhihao said with some resentment and some impatience. He looked at Park Minho's hand, as if he didn't have a mobile phone in it. However, he was still not at ease, so he asked, "Park Min Ho, you didn't take a picture just now?"

"Hum ha ha..." Park Min Ho roared up to the sky, "why, afraid?"

"Just tell me, yes or no." Park Zhihao was rather impatient.

"No Park min replied very quickly.

"That's good." Park Zhihao finally put down his heart a little uneasily. He was relieved by park Min Ho's words, but he couldn't believe that he didn't want to leave a photo as a souvenir after watching it for so long.

How much do you want to ask Park Min Ho in the bottom of his heart? Is it that as a man, when he encounters such a scene, he doesn't want to leave a photo as a memorial? However, in the twinkling of an eye, if such a question, it is simply revealed that he likes to take photos as a souvenir! Therefore, Pu Zhihao's question had to be put aside.

"Is it my turn to ask you now?" Park Min Ho looked at Park Ji ho seriously, "do you know whose house this is?"

"Of course I know. This is your place." Said Park Chi ho.

"Then why are you here? Why do you and Cheng Xuehui do this in my bedroom? How did you get in? " Park Min Ho looked around and continued to say to him, "I don't think there is anything missing or damaged here, and I don't think I have anything valuable to covet. So, you're not here to steal or sabotage. Park Chi Ho, what are you doing here? Is it to do this with Cheng Xuehui in my room? Park Chi Ho, I really find it hard to understand. "

"No!" Park Zhihao denied Park Minho in a word, "you have valuable things here. I come for this valuable thing."

"Oh? How can I not know? " Park Min Ho said, "what is this priceless thing?"

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