"I'm sorry." Park Zhihao glanced at Cheng Xuehui and completely forgot the moment of happiness with her. At the moment, he was full of disgust for her. Every time after a thorough and exhausting time, park Zhihao always felt that she was a dirty woman, full of disgust for her. No matter how much possession he had for her before he got her, he always forgot the existence of this woman after he achieved his goal, and even he didn't like the existence of this woman very much. He looked at Park Min Ho and said to him, "she is really not brought by me, so I don't think I have any obligation to take her. Besides, her legs grow on her own body. Her legs, ah, can leave when she wants to leave. Everything depends on her own willingness. What does it have to do with me? " With that, park Zhihao stretched out his hand and made a farewell gesture to park Minho, leaving here very smartly.

Looking at PU Zhihao's back, Cheng Xuehui's tears suddenly flowed out. She had thought that she had tried her best to say so many beautiful and moving words to park Zhihao. She thought that he would start to take her seriously because he was moved. However, she never thought that even if she confessed to park Zhihao so much, he still regarded her as a plaything. This let Cheng Xuehui suddenly lost all confidence, and finally collapsed in despair on the ground.

Park Min Ho felt helpless. He poured a cup of hot water for Cheng Xuehui and handed it to her: "Park Zhihao is not suitable for you, or give up as soon as possible!" Although this sentence may sound cruel, it is the best way to get Cheng Xuehui out of such a complicated relationship.

"Thank you." Cheng Xuehui takes the water from park minhao and drinks it in one gulp. She was waiting for park Min Ho to come up and help her up, but until she finished drinking the water and continued to sit on the ground for three minutes, he did not move. She looked at Park Min Ho pitifully, "won't you help me up?"

"Men and women give and take, not to mention, I already have a girlfriend." Moreover, you are my brother's woman, and it is not convenient for me to have any form of skin contact with you

"Park Min Ho, do you need to be so stubborn?" Cheng Xuehui tears, anger in the heart of nowhere to hair. She said aloud, "I am a lovelorn woman, a woman who has been teased by a man, a woman who has been abandoned by a man. I am frustrated. Can't you sympathize with me, be a good man and help me up?"

"I'm sorry." Park minhao said to Cheng Xuehui very sincerely, "I sympathize with you very much, so I have given you water just now, and also given you a most practical advice. I think these are enough. It's not fair to my girlfriend. Besides, you have the ability to stand up on your own. Your body is healthy. You are not a patient. Why should I help you? I will not help you in any case unless you are physically injured and you are not able to stand up on your own. In any case, I have to be worthy of my girlfriend. I can't do anything marginal and let her misunderstand me

"Park Min Ho, you are cruel!" Cheng Xuehui bit her teeth and stumbled to her feet. She looked at Park Min Ho that resolute appearance, in the heart to Luo Xiwei's envy feeling once again burst.

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