"But, brother With tears in her eyes, she said to Li Fan, "we must face the reality! Now, my parents are divorced, my father is abducted by another woman, my mother is dead, and I am no longer pure These are the ironclad facts She cried so aggrieved and pitiful that she was out of place in her dusty dress.

"No!" Li Feifan is heartbroken. Looking at her sister so delicate and pitiful, I can't help but feel ashamed for her powerlessness. He is so excellent, at least, he thinks he is excellent. No matter how bad his character is, no matter how sorry he has been to a woman, but at least now, he has been an actor of King level, a star sought after by all, and a rich generation that almost all friends feel envious of! He has everything now, but

But he couldn't even protect his sister! Li Feifan's heart is dripping blood. His right hand gently stroked his sister's face and wiped away the tears from her cheek, which made him feel extremely painful.

His father's betrayal of his mother indirectly led to his mother's death and his sister's innocence and degeneration. All of these made Li Fan hate his father thoroughly! However, at the moment, Li Fan suddenly thought of himself! He used to treat Cheng Xuehui like that, not only cheating, but also causing her to lose her child. At the same time, he watched him and Han Benben do that in her room, which made Cheng Xuehui and her pain in the pool of blood! What's more, she was in the process of losing her child. She was lying in a pool of blood and suffering from extremely strong abdominal pain, which made her sweat all over her body. Finally, she has to bear the pain of losing fertility forever! All this, it is more difficult for a woman to accept than her father's infidelity!

Since Li Fan hated his father so much, how much should he hate when he was betrayed by Cheng Xuehui, who has been paying silently behind himself and has always been a little woman?

From that time on, Li Fanfan began to profoundly reflect on his own iniquity to Cheng Xuehui. He often dreams of Cheng Xuehui lying in a pool of blood and asking for help. Even, her face is covered with blood!

Whenever in the dream to see Cheng Xuehui that is soaked in blood when the face, Li Fan will be suddenly scared to wake up. Then, when he saw himself lying on the bed in his room, he could shake his head and realize that it was all a dream, and then he took a heavy breath of relief.

Li Hui can lie in Xuebo for several days. About a month later, although Li Fanfan dreams of Cheng Xuehui's frequency will gradually reduce, but, the shadow of Cheng Xuehui often appears in the dream. It's hard to make it to now. On average, he only dreams of Cheng Xuehui once or twice a year. However, when Li Fan got in touch with Cheng Xuehui again because of the broadcast of "mistaking male god", Li Fan's nightmare about Cheng Xuehui was suddenly awakened again! Every night in the dream by Cheng Xuehui in the blood in the appearance of lingering, let Li extraordinary simply want to breathe. Li Fan realized deeply that he owed Cheng Xuehui in his life, and I'm afraid he will never be able to pay off! Cheng Xuehui is a woman he can never forget in his life, a woman who has been betrayed by him, and a person who can make him feel deeply ashamed at the sight of him!

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