Although listen to Li Fan such a say, park Zhihao's heart slowly flat down. However, looking at the rescue room in front of him, Pu Zhihao still felt worried. He really wants to see Luo Xiwei more and wants to know how she is now. Although Li Fan said that Luo Xiwei's injury would not be too serious, but after all, entering the rescue room this matter still really exists, therefore, park Zhihao's heart has always been worried for Luo Xiwei.

Park Zhihao lingered at the door of the rescue room for a long time. Every time he walked back and forth, he would take a look at the rescue room, hoping that Luo Xiwei would come out earlier. After a long period of worry, the door of the rescue room was finally pushed open.

"Doctor! Doctor Park Zhihao impatiently went up, "how is this girl? Is her injury serious? "

"The girl didn't get hurt, just a little skin injury." The doctor looked at Park and said, "are you her family?"

"I am." Park Zhihao said without shame, "is she not hurt too much? How could she Haven't you had surgery for so long? If there was no injury, why did it take so long? " Park Zhihao asked incomprehensibly.

"That's it." The doctor explained, "in fact, my assistant has already examined this girl. She is just in a temporary coma caused by excessive fright. She used to have a large blood clot in her brain, but now, because of the impact on her brain, the blood clot in her brain is broken and exists in a different form. Whether this blood clot in the brain will affect her will not be known until she wakes up

"Well..." Li Fan suddenly took up, "when I fell down just now, there was blood on the ground! Isn't this blood coming from the brain? "

"No The doctor said to Li Fan, "her brain has no other injuries except the blood clot I just said. As for brain bleeding, it's impossible because her brain is not injured from the outside

"Where does the blood come from?" Li Fanfan said.

"Which of you is her boyfriend?" Asked the doctor.

Li Fan and park Zhihao looked at each other, no one dared to answer.

"None of them?" The doctor saw that there was no answer from Park Zhihao and Li Fan, so he asked again, "what is the relationship between you and the patient? I think this issue involves her privacy. If you are not her family members, I don't think I can disclose her privacy. But I can tell you with great certainty that there is nothing serious about the collision bleeding. Please rest assured. Also, if you have the phone number of the patient's family member or her boyfriend, please call them and inform them to come here quickly. At this time, the patient needs them. My name is Jin Mingtian. The patient will be sent to the ward in a moment. If there is anything wrong, you can call me or my assistant at any time With that, Dr. Jin said goodbye to park Zhihao and Li Fan politely and went to other work.

Park Zhihao stood there silently with a sigh in his heart. Seeing that Luo Xiwei was pushed out, he was very eager to see Luo Xiwei. She was ruddy and serene. What made Park Zhihao more happy was that she was staring at him with a pair of beautiful watery eyes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!