Pu Zhihao didn't answer his question, and he didn't want to answer his question. He just said a short sentence: "Jiangchuan hospital."

"Park Zhihao, I warn you, if there is something wrong with Wei Wei, I will not let you go!" Park minhao obviously attributed Luo Xiwei's injury to his plot against Luo Xiwei. He believed that Luo Xiwei was frightened by park Zhihao. If Luo Xiwei was not admitted to the hospital because of her own reasons, then Park Zhihao has every reason to believe that all of these are given by Pu Zhihao!

Park Minho almost flew all the way to the hospital. He was so worried about luoxiwei that he would never see her again. So, he didn't care to run the red light, he just wanted to see his Weiwei!

To park Minho's delight, when he saw Luo Xiwei, she looked completely normal, just like a harmless person. There was no sign of bandage on her body and head, and she was not taking any drops. When Park Min Ho walked into the ward, she was smiling at him happily!

A stone in park Min Ho's heart finally fell to the ground. However, he was still very worried to ask Luo Xiwei: "Wei Wei, what's wrong with you?" He wants to hear from luoxiwei's mouth that he is OK, otherwise, he will still be worried.

"I'm fine." Luo Xiwei smiles. This made Park Min Ho feel relaxed.

However, Luo Xiwei looks at Park minhao's eyes, but appears a little confused. Finally, she looked at Park Min Ho and then at Park Chi ho. She had millions of questions to ask, but she couldn't ask them out.

"Minho, come with me." Park Zhihao suddenly stood up and said, looking at Park Min Ho mysteriously.

"What's up, pickaxe?" Park Min Ho did not even cover the chair in the ward, so he was pulled out.

"I gave all my money in my card to yanmiao group, including tens of millions of deposits I had saved before. Therefore, I'm afraid I have to trouble you to settle the account for the hospital expenses. " Said Park Chi ho.

"No trouble." Park Min Ho patted Park Ji ho on the shoulder, "I'm Wei Wei's boyfriend, I have to pay the bill, you don't have to bother me like this, it seems like you are Wei Wei's boyfriend." Finish saying that, park min Pick's mouth corner evil charm ground a smile, and then quicken the pace to go to the payment office.

When Park Zhihao went to the ward, he found that Luo Xiwei was looking at him with a pair of big eyes. Her expression seemed innocent and sprouting to the extreme, which made Park Zhihao itch.

"Call you a pickaxe?" Luo Xiwei raised a pair of smiling faces and asked naively.

"Yes." Park Zhihao subconsciously replied. However, he did not understand why Luo Xiwei suddenly asked him so, which made Park Zhihao feel unprepared, "Wei Wei, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Luo Xiwei suddenly jumped up from the bed, and also turned to park Zhihao several circles to show himself, "I think ah, I can be discharged from the hospital!" Luo Xiwei was laughing happily while turning around. The sound of silver bell made Park Zhihao's heart crisp.

"Discharge?" Park Zhihao suddenly repeated the two words that Luo Xiwei said, and an evil idea arose. Looking at Luo Xiwei, who seems to have lost his memory, park Zhihao thinks that he may be able to gamble.

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