"Vivie." Park Zhihao quietly tried to call Luo Xiwei.

Luo Xiwei turned to look at the nervous Park Zhihao and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I..." Park Zhihao hesitated. At the moment, he wanted to say to Luo Xiwei, "I want to kiss you, can you?" but when he thought that she was Park minhao's girlfriend, park Zhihao felt that he was difficult to start. During the day, he had already scared Luo Xiwei once, let her become so helpless, pale face, ran away in a hurry. What makes Park Zhihao feel more heartache is that he is extremely excited to get her, but she is quietly flowing tears of grievance. Park Zhihao was afraid that such a scene would happen again. He was afraid that his impulse would make Luo Xiwei leave in a hurry again. If so, he would not get luoxiwei, he would not even have the time to get along with her, nor even the opportunity to take care of her! So, looked at Luo Xiwei that incomparably simple face, park Zhihao or endure. He didn't want to see Luo Xiwei sad and afraid, did not want to let Luo Xiwei feel disappointed with him, although he clearly knew that she did not remember the way he tried to violence her in the daytime, otherwise, she would not be standing here with him.

Although, in Luo Xiwei's heart, she just enjoyed the moonlight and the evening wind very well, and felt that all this had nothing to do with the words "romantic, romantic and snowy".

Just as Luo Xiwei enjoyed all the things in front of her, a huge grunt broke the silence. Luo Xiwei's stomach was pounding like a serial gun. Luo Xiwei felt a little embarrassed. How she hoped that the murmuring voice could stop earlier. However, the more she hoped it would stop, the louder her stomach screamed.

"Oh, what a shame!" Luo Xiwei said to herself very quietly. She looked at Park Zhihao with some embarrassment. She completely forgot what he had just wanted to say. She seemed to stop talking. She looked at Park Zhihao with a smile and asked, "that I'm hungry... "

"I'm going to buy food for you right now." Park Zhihao said that he was going out.

"Wait a minute!" Luoxiwei quickly stopped him. If Park Zhihao wants to leave, doesn't it mean that she will stay in such a big house alone? Oh, my God! She can't imagine that there will be such a big house in Hu Xi's mind. Luo Xiwei thought more and more afraid, how could she dare not stay in such a big villa alone. Therefore, she looked at Park Zhihao with a pair of very urgent eyes, hoping that he could catch her fear.

"What's the matter?" Park Zhihao took a look at Luo Xiwei and saw her staring at him in a daze. Park Zhihao grabbed his head and said, "Oh, by the way, I haven't asked you what you want to eat. what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you. I'll take it with me

"No No more. " Luo Xiwei felt a little disappointed. She just hoped that he could accompany her. But even if you think about company, hunger is the truth. What a fool. Can't he think of something else? Do you have to go out? Do you have to leave here and leave her alone?

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