"Oh." Cheng Xuehui promised, flustered looking at the crawling crayfish everywhere on the ground, watching a big lobster slowly moving to her, seeing that it was about to have an intimate contact with her toes, Cheng Xuehui could not help but scream. She silently stepped back a few steps. She had thought that she could be far away from the lobster. Instead, she found that she had not been able to stay away from the lobster. On the contrary, the lobster did not know when it had climbed on her instep in silence.

Cheng Xuehui felt more afraid. She kept swinging her feet, only to find that the stubborn lobster stuck its pincers on her shoes, and could not shake it off.

Cheng Xuehui looked at Park Min Ho with a pair of frightened eyes and said to him, "Min Ho, help me!"

Park Min Ho took a look at Cheng Xuehui, and saw that she was busy throwing her feet, and there was a big lobster lying on the back of her feet! Park Min Ho realized that Cheng Xuehui didn't approach him just now and didn't have a chance to see the computer screen at the moment. It was the lobster on her feet! Park Min Ho secretly congratulated that the lobster really helped him! While he was very glad that he had not been found by Cheng Xuehui, he comforted Cheng Xuehui and said, "don't be afraid, I'll help you get rid of it! But now you have to cooperate with me. Don't shake your feet any more, or I can't catch lobster for you

"Oh." Cheng Xuehui is very meek to promise, immediately stopped is shaking the foot.

With that, park Min Ho squatted down and bravely rushed to the lobster. No matter how stubborn the lobster was holding Cheng Xuehui's shoes, he would still cling to the lobster's body.

Soon, the lobster was defeated in such a stalemate, it finally released its pair of extremely stubborn forceps, and, for some reason, the right hand pliers fell from the body.

"Wow! You can't see a coffin without tears. " Park Min Ho, holding a lobster in his hand, said to the lobster, "look at you. You're holding on to others. In the end, you're both defeated? He pinched other people's blood and lost his own hand. Is it not you who suffer the most With that, park Min Ho looked at the lobster with love and threw it into the basin about 10 meters in front of him.

Cheng Xuehui listened to park minhao's words, scared immediately to look at her instep. It was obvious that there was a blood mark on her instep. Cheng Xuehui immediately cried out with fear.

The lobster landed in the basin so accurately and properly that park Min Ho clapped his hands. He didn't pay too much attention to Cheng Xuehui's scream, but said to himself: "I'm really fierce! Can throw a lobster into a small washbasin ten meters away! It seems that I didn't play basketball in College for nothing

"Park Min Ho! I have bleeding on the instep of my foot Cheng Xuehui exclaimed, "what to do, how to do? Can it be serious? Do you want a tetanus? "

"Not so serious?" Park minhao looked at Cheng Xuehui with a little disapproval, "it's just a blood mark, as for such a fuss?"

"But But they are pregnant women! It's different from ordinary people Cheng Xuehui said, "what if What if I die of tetanus? My death is small. If I kill your young master of the park family, I will be guilty of a great crime. "

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