"What are you talking about? Are you pregnant? " Asked the doctor.

"Yes." Cheng Xuehui road.

The doctor was speechless: "pregnant, do you want me to give you an injection or a medicine? You are not afraid of side effects! Other pregnant women were bitten by dogs, generally asked me if I could not take medicine injection, afraid it would be bad for children, you are good, take the initiative to ask the doctor for medicine. I tell you, since you were bitten by a lobster and didn't bleed, nothing happened. OK, don't make a fuss. Go home and have a good rest. Let your husband stew more soup for you. Ah! All right? " The doctor says to the direction above Cheng Xuehui's head.

Cheng Xuehui looks a little puzzled. She turned around and saw Park Min Ho standing behind her without knowing when. She looked at Park Min Ho with a confused expression and could not help laughing. She patted Park Min Ho's arm and said, "did you hear what the doctor said, husband?"

"Why What? " Park Min Ho just wanted to explain the doctor's misunderstanding, but he didn't want Cheng Xuehui to make a mistake. Suddenly, he didn't know what to do. He looked at Cheng Xuehui suddenly and anxiously said, "Cheng Xuehui, what are you talking about? How do you address others at random

However, Cheng Xuehui, with her back to the doctor and facing Park minhao, winks playfully at Park minhao, and sticks out her tongue to make faces at Park minhao. The spirit of the ancient spirit was like that of Luo Xiwei in front of him.

"Cheng Xuehui, don't make trouble." Park minhao said to Cheng Xuehui.

"Well, if you want to flirt, please go out and have a good time? There are still patients behind me. I hope you can do well Said the doctor.

"This is not..." Park Minho scratched his head helplessly. "Doctor, you misunderstood me. I'm not with her I'm not her husband

"I understand." The doctor gave a ghostly smile, "a man, even if he is married, it is normal to have a few girlfriends outside. That's understandable. But you'd better go out and flirt again

"You Doctor, you really misunderstood... " Park minhao also want to continue to explain what, but Cheng Xuehui repeatedly pushed out the door.

"What are you doing? Your husband is park Zhihao, not me! " Park minhao is speechless to Cheng Xuehui. He says to Cheng Xuehui helplessly, "Cheng Xuehui, you are also a popular female star. Why don't you pay attention to your words and deeds? In case the doctor knew you just now, would you say that there would be another scandal? "

"I'm not afraid of gossip." Cheng Xuehui pouted her lips and said. Her hands held Park Min Ho's arms, which did not avoid suspicion at all.

"OK, Cheng Xuehui." Park minhao finally calmly said to Cheng Xuehui, "since our hospital has come, the doctor said that you have nothing to do with you, then we will Don't say goodbye With that, park Min Ho turned and left.

"Ah! Minho! How do you say go? You Did you forget that I was going to go with you to find a pickaxe? I have something to say to Zhihao, too Cheng Xuehui shouts after Park minhao.

Park Min Ho turned to Cheng Xuehui and said in a loud voice, "isn't his mobile phone on? If you have anything to say, call him! You told him about you, and I think he came back to look for you! "

With that, park Min Ho quickened his pace and left the hospital.

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