"By the way, Kim." Park Zhihao suddenly thought of a question. Instead of answering the question raised by jinyinyu, he shifted the question to another topic: "how do you have my mobile phone number?"

"This one." Jin Yinyu thought for a moment and said to park Zhihao with great pride, "I won't tell you."

"Good, good! You don't tell me. " Park Zhihao finally once again occupied the initiative of the topic, "by the way, where can we eat?"

"Don't you have money?" Jin Yinyu said to Pu Zhihao.

"Yes, I almost forgot." Park Zhihao said, "what should we do? It's not going to make you pay? I've never been in the habit of asking girls to pay the bill

"Then go to your house!" Jin Yinyu said in a whim.

"My home?" Park Zhihao really can't imagine, an 18-year-old sister actually offered to go to his home! A red light appeared at the crossroads in front of him. Park Zhihao took advantage of the car to stop for more than ten seconds, and then carefully looked at the gold and silver jade. She was dressed so holy, like a fairy coming down to earth. Face full of collagen, the whole person exudes a youthful vitality. He laughed at the gold and silver jade, gently stepped on the gas pedal and continued to drive forward. He agreed very happily, "OK!"

Jin Yinyu's face also showed a beautiful smile. She had a very good premonition that her spring was coming and her first love was coming. Yesterday was jinyinyu's 18th birthday, the first day that jinyinyu entered the ranks of adults. Last night, she suddenly got to know such a big person as park Zhihao. This morning, there were so many rumors about her and park Zhihao in the newspaper. Therefore, jinyinyu concluded that park Zhihao was destined to leave a miracle in her life.

Jin Yinyu turned her face to the side and looked at Park Zhihao's right face, which showed the boss's handsome style vividly! Jin Yinyu is full of love for park Zhihao at the moment, so she can't help but kiss on the right face of Park Zhihao who is concentrating on driving!

All this came so suddenly that park Zhihao was caught off guard! His heart was shocked! He really can't believe that the beautiful gold and silver jade can kiss him at this time! Shouldn't she feel that his behavior yesterday was a little impolite? Does she not think that park Zhihao should be responsible for his entanglement with the scandal yesterday, or at least apologize to her? What's going on here? Originally thought that he would get a rain bullet forest, park Zhihao actually got such an extraordinary reward! Is gold, silver and jade too simple, or does she have other plans?

However, Pu Zhihao recalled what his colleagues said. Jinyinyu was at least a well-off girl with excellent moral and academic qualities. Moreover, he felt that Jin Yinyu did not seem to be a girl with a plan. She looked so pure and beautiful, even let Park Zhihao have a feeling of returning to a good reading age. A kiss from Jin Yinyu made Pu Zhihao feel blush and heartbeat, which made him feel like a first love. It was this kiss that made Pu Zhihao's heart seem to have been silent for a long time. The heart, which had been silent for many years like stagnant water, was finally activated by a kiss of gold, silver and jade!

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