"I'm pregnant with a grandson of the park family." Cheng Xuehui points to her belly and says to Jin Yinyu.

"Zhihao, you..." Jin Yinyu didn't expect that the man who just had such a close relationship with himself was such a person! He and his ex girlfriend Oh, my God! Jin Yinyu said it was unacceptable. She shook her head in disbelief, and then, in a hurry, she was about to leave.

However, gold and silver jade just stepped out of one foot, and park Zhihao, quick eyed and quick witted, seized her hand: "Yinyu, listen to me! Listen to me

"Well, say so." You look at the end of the snow, is not the angry girl

"It's my ex girlfriend." Park Zhihao finally recruited him.

"But But when you were in the car, didn't you tell me that Cheng Xuehui and you are just the cooperative relationship in the film? Why is she now your ex girlfriend? Zhihao, you lied to me With tears in her eyes, her face was full of grievances.

"Silver jade. Isn't that because I like you? " "Silver jade, do you know? Since I saw you yesterday, I fell in love with you. I think you are beautiful, lovely and simple. You are really the goddess in my mind! After I left you yesterday, I was full of you and I was eager to see you again. But I'm afraid of being too abrupt and afraid that you don't like me, so I didn't tell you so eagerly yesterday. But, Yinyu, I really care about you too much. I'm afraid that if I have any trouble, I'll scare you away, so I have to keep a gentleman's attitude all the time. It's all because I'm so afraid of losing you that I'm Yinyu, you have to believe me, although I like process Xuehui before, but I really don't share the same channel with her, and the relationship between me and her has been completely broken. Yinyu, the one I love now, the one who cares most, is you. Yes, Cheng Xuehui is my ex girlfriend, but Yinyu, if you think about it, I'm in my early 30s. If you don't have an ex girlfriend at this age, does that mean there's something wrong with this person? Therefore, Yinyu, it is precisely because Cheng Xuehui is my ex girlfriend that I am a normal man. Yinyu, don't go away, will you? " Park Zhihao whispered softly to Jin Yinyu.

"But you still have a child..." Gold, silver and jade stammered. Although Park Zhihao's words are reasonable, after all, there is a child mixed between them.

"But Yinyu, I really don't love Cheng Xuehui any more. Even if she has children, if I reluctantly stay with her, it will be the four of us who suffer. You and I love each other, but we can't be together. The man around Cheng Xuehui doesn't love her, so he is depressed all his life. But the child can't get the care of normal parents, so he has to suffer psychological trauma from birth. So, for the four of us, the best choice is to get rid of this child and I'll be with you. As for Cheng Xuehui, she is a female star loved by many fans. I believe she will find her own happiness. So Yinyu, will you marry me

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