"That's what I'm going to cut. "Park said, pointing to the camera.

Moustache looked left and right. He looked in front of the camera and then at the back. It was clear that there was nothing! On the screen of the camera, there is only a beautiful pose photo of Park Chi ho. There is no number or text display, and there is no sign to let him guess what Park Zhihao means. He looked at Park Zhihao in surprise and asked, "President Park, what do you mean..."

"This photo is the price of my chop." Said Park Chi ho.

"What do you mean?" "Mr. Park, what do you mean? You are a wise man and I am a fool. I really don't understand what you mean. I hope you can give me a hint

"I mean obviously." Park Zhihao said, "bed photo for pose photo, this group of pose photo, is to return that group of bed photo."

"President Park..." "You Don't be kidding. I took these two sets of photos. This It's all mine! You trade my things for mine It seems a little... " Beard's voice became weaker and weaker. Although he did not continue to speak, he and park Zhihao both knew what he meant.

"It's all yours?" Park Zhihao laughed and patted the bearded shoulder. "Brother photographer, I just yelled with you in front of my window for so long. Didn't you hear me? I said, I could trade my pose photo with your bed photo. These are the ones I'm going to exchange bed photos with you. "

"Park President Park Are you really not kidding? " Moustache hesitated, "otherwise Otherwise Ten thousand, ten thousand! "

Park Zhihao shook his head very comfortably: "no, not a cent. I agreed to exchange my pose photo. "

"President Park I remember when I was across the street just now, you didn't say you wanted to exchange this. You just said that we could talk about these bed photos, instead of just changing them! " Said beard.

"Is it?" Park gave a contemptuous look at the beard. "Then we have talked about it now, so we will exchange the pose photo for the bed photo."

"President Park, this Don't you have one like this? I This is your unilateral decision. I haven't agreed yet. " Big beard said with some displeasure.

"Big brother of photography." Park took a look at the big beard and said, "this group of pose photos I provided you should be very good, right? Great news value, right? If you post this group of post photos of me, little girls now like to see men who are as fit as me. This group of photos is so clear, how many people's eyes can such photos attract, and how much bonus can you get? And if you think about it again, if you post a group of blurred photos, even if I haven't taken full pictures of my face, how many people have to doubt the authenticity of the bed photos? Shouldn't a bed photo consist of two people? Men and women. But where is the woman in such a picture? Can people believe it's a bed photo? Or do they think that you're cheating and you don't have any valuable photos, so they'll hand over a set of photos randomly? How much money do you think you can get for a photo that doesn't have news value, or can you get a bonus? "

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