Kailuo thought, this park Zhihao did not spend a cent to delete those bed photos he took, he is so stingy. Now, he shouldn't be so stingy about his half cup of cat poop coffee. Do you want him to finish the half cup of cat poop coffee that he spilled?

"Originally, I park Zhihao is so stingy in the heart of the director Carol?" Park Zhihao shook his head helplessly and said to Carol.

"That's not what I mean, of course. It's me. It's me who is stingy. I think that since all the expensive coffee has been made, I should finish it. " He said to him, rather stiffly Otherwise You mean... "

Park took a look at Carol and calmly took out a jar from the refrigerator and put it in front of Carol.

"What is this?" Carol looked at the jar, which looked about the size of his mobile phone, and saw three words on it: "coffee beans.". There was a trace of perplexity in the corner of Carol's mouth.

"Cat poop coffee. "Said Park Chi ho.

"What are you going to do?" Carol asked in surprise. Did Park really want to make him another cup of coffee? Carlos thought, that President Park is really strange enough. He is going to leave. He dares to leave him and make some cat excrement coffee!

However, park did not say anything, but introduced his cat excrement coffee: "this is cat excrement coffee produced in Indonesia. Do you know how much a pot of coffee, a small pot of coffee, is worth? "

"A thousand?" Carol asked carefully.

“No!” Park Zhihao held out a forefinger and said to Carol.

"Two thousand?" Carol asked again.

"Ten thousand!" Park Zhihao said confidently to Carol.

"Ten thousand?" Carol felt a little perplexed. "President Park, don't tease me. I've also drunk this cat excrement coffee. You're so small that you can't drink it ten times. Where is it worth ten thousand yuan?"

"You don't understand." "Indonesia's cat excrement coffee is also of a grade," Park said. And the cat excrement coffee I have is the most expensive and the best among all cat excrement coffees. "

"Yes Yes Carol can't believe it. As an international photographer and a person who is not interested in coffee, he has never heard that cat poop coffee can be so expensive! According to park Zhihao, the cup of coffee that he spilled on purpose just now is worth thousands of yuan! too bad! Can't park Zhihao see that he spilled his coffee on purpose? Did he take the opportunity to ask him to make compensation, or directly ask him to hand over the red picture on the sofa that he just secretly took with his mobile phone?

Carol thought about the scene when he came in. At that time, park took him to the dining table, not to the sofa. Carol felt very strange. So, he deliberately choked when drinking coffee, and then took the opportunity to sit on the sofa. As expected, there was a certain reason why Park Zhihao didn't take him to the sofa! And this reason, now it seems, is obviously this pile of mess and blood on the sofa! He is still a little frightened to think of the moment when he was taking the camera at the door, pretending to look at his mobile phone without paying attention, and then secretly took photos.

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