"Who is it?" Park asked eagerly, "is it Carol?"

"Carol?" As the reporters shook their heads, they were puzzled.

A particularly old reporter said to park Zhihao, "that Carol Have you not been arrested? "

"That's rokai!" A young female reporter nearby warned.

"Not Carol?" Park didn't care whether some of the older reporters knew about Luo Kai or whether others knew him. His only concern is whether the person who informs the media is Carol!

"Is Carol a man? It sounds like a man's name A reporter asked Park Zhihao.

"Yes! Carol is a man Said Park Chi ho.

"It must not be him, for the man who gave me the news was a woman." The reporter said.

"Mine is also a woman." Another reporter said.

"Yes! I was also called by a woman, and it sounded very young. " A male reporter said with a smile, "but the sound is really good. I still feel that the bones are crispy! I'm really impressed by this woman's voice. If she was in front of me now, I could tell her voice from the crowd at a glance! The voice is so good. She must be a good girl. " With that, the man's face overflowed with a smile of incomparable enjoyment.

"You're obsessed with the girl's voice!" The female reporter next to the male reporter glanced at the man next to her, pushed him and joked, "do you believe I have photographed your virtue just now? Back to show your wife, let her see you this pair of color of the foreign appearance? "

"No, Xiaomei!" "Xiaomei, do you think we are still good colleagues and good friends? If so, won't the company give bonus this evening? I've got the prize money. How about inviting you to dinner tomorrow afternoon? "

"Good!" The female reporter and the male reporter clapped hands for the alliance. They talked happily and seemed to be a little bit forgetful. "I'll tell you the truth now, in fact, I didn't shoot any video just now But you will give me the rice you owe me In front of the public, female reporters act coquettish to male reporters, regardless of people's feelings. This posture, has a pair of male girlfriends and green tea whore momentum.

However, park did not care. In his eyes, this pair of reporters is a pair of dog men and women. It's enough for a man to flirt with a woman outside of marriage. It's still in such a public place that park Zhihao really wants to give such a man a beating! In Pu Zhihao's opinion, if there was no such a dreary man, he would not have his own dark childhood. And his father, is not the same as this male reporter scum man? Although Park Zhihao never takes his girlfriend seriously, he knows that he will be responsible for his future marriage and will never let the world have another poor child like his irresponsible father.

Think of here, park Zhihao unexpectedly inexplicably think of Cheng Xuehui stomach children. If the child in Cheng Xuehui's stomach is really his, isn't he a father who abandons his own children?

Park Zhihao frowned and felt great pain.

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