"Do you think so?" Park Zhihao told reporters.

"Yes The reporters nodded.

"But I think the interview is over." Park Zhihao said mercilessly.

"Ah?" "We haven't asked," the reporters exclaimed

"Sorry." Park Zhihao clapped his hands in displeasure and dusted off his hands. "In my opinion, when the topic shifts from my new love to another place, it shows that everyone has no interest in my new love. So, I don't think it's necessary for me to continue to interview you. I'm sorry, I think I've been quite cooperative. Please come back! " As he spoke, park Zhihao tried to push the reporters out.

"President Park..." The reporters were deeply unconvinced and scoffed at the male reporter. "President Park, that's all because that reporter is interested in Cheng Xuehui. We are not interested in her. We are only interested in your new love!"

"Yes, President Park, it's his fault alone. We hope you can give us another chance to interview you a little more. Your answers to the new love we interviewed just now are far from enough. We can't go back to work! President Park, just give us another chance when we have to come for an interview on this hot day! Shall we collectively send the male reporter out of the door? "

As soon as he finished, the reporters repeatedly agreed and pushed the male reporter out.

"Enough!" "Well, we don't have to send him out of the door. I'll give you another chance to answer your three questions. I think it's enough for you to go back and write a long speech. "

"President Park, President Park..." The reporters seized the opportunity and said the questions they wanted to ask.

Park Zhihao's head suddenly seemed to burst into a pot, and his ears even felt a roar. He said with some helplessness: "well, I'd better ask by roll call."! In case I have no way to listen to so many people's questions, because I really don't have so many Ears

The reporters burst out laughing. Park Zhihao was really humorous!

Seeing the young girl's face full of expectation, park Zhihao said to her, "little girl, come and ask!"

"Ah?! Me? " The little girl's face was full of surprise and joy. Originally, when she heard that Pu Zhihao only answered three questions, she felt that her hope was very slim. Now, she really did not think that one of the only three problems could fall on her head! What's more, she didn't expect that she would become the first of the three people who asked these questions! Therefore, the little girl was full of mixed feelings and excitement.

"Yes." Park Chi Ho said, "I just saw how happy you were to continue to interview me. I knew you must have prepared the content. So, it's you. "

"Well then..." The little girl felt very honored, but she showed a reluctant twist. "Then I want to ask President Park, what kind of girl do you like in general? Are women to be excellent, either as beautiful as Cheng Xuehui, or as young as your girlfriend, or In short, I want to ask is, what kind of girl can you get a man's heart. Do ordinary girls like us seldom get chased? "

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