"In principle, it will take about ten days." But since you want it so early, I will try to get you a nap in the tent tomorrow afternoon

"Really? Really?" Jinyinyu jumped up with joy, "Zhihao, I knew you could do it! The pickaxe is the best Seeing Park Zhihao so hard to promise her to do something far away from her, jinyinyu did not mean to kiss her, and immediately left a beautiful lipprint on Park Zhihao's forehead.

"Of course it is true, fool!" Park Chi ho road.

"But how much effort will it take to compress ten days of work into one? Zhihao, do you want to be a superman for me Gold, silver and jade looked at Park Zhihao happily and said.

"How to compress it? I think you'd better not ask. What I promised my beloved woman to do will be done." However, I really want to be Superman for you

Jin Yinyu suddenly felt that her brain was very relaxed. She laughed heartily and felt the incomparable sweetness.

However, listening to the moving voice of gold, silver and jade, park Zhihao could not help but want to conquer gold, silver and jade again. Finally, his hand gradually fell in love with her skin, in her snow like skin in the garden. Finally, his lips gently hooked up with her flaming red lips. The fragrant and sweet kiss made Park Zhihao linger.

This time, however, the reaction of gold, silver and jade was even greater than before. This made Park Zhihao feel more excited, and he began to roar.

However, just when jinyinyu felt a force that slowly brought her to the sky, when she was about to reach the peak, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be a gravity pulling her down from the height. All of a sudden, she became weightless, as if she had lost her strength. At the same moment, she felt as if she had been pressed a mountain, and felt extra heavy.

It turned out to be Park Zhihao! He just lay on his body so heavily that he didn't move.

Jin Yinyu wants to push him away, but park Zhihao is like a dead man. He will fall in any direction she pushes him. She finally found out what was wrong with Park Zhihao, so she swayed him loudly and kept calling out his name: "Zhi Ho, Zhi ho!" Seeing that Pu Zhihao couldn't wake up, she patted Park Zhihao's face again, "Zhi Ho, what's the matter with you? Cure pickaxe, wake up

Nothing, however, helped. Park Chi Ho was still lying there like a dead man.

Gold, silver and jade are anxious like ants on a hot pot. She was too frightened to know what to do. In a hurry, she picked up Park Zhihao's mobile phone and dialed the emergency call.

"120? I have a person here suddenly fainted, how to call can't wake up, please hurry to me to save people Jin Yinyu was so scared that she forgot to tell the other party where she was.

"Well, where is your location?" Asked the other.

"Noble villa..." When Jin Yinyu said this, she couldn't say what villa she was in. She didn't know the number of Park Zhihao's villa, and there didn't seem to be any significant buildings here!

What should we do? Jin Yinyu was so anxious that she was about to cry.

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