However, Pu Zhihao's hand is resolutely separated from Cheng Xuehui's. He looks at Cheng Xuehui so quietly, the expression on the face appears incomparably indifferent.

"Why What's up? A pickaxe Cheng Xuehui was shocked by park Zhihao's sudden withdrawal behavior and his indifferent expression at the moment! Didn't he say he knew he was wrong? Isn't it time for him to hold her back and ask for forgiveness? Why could she so decisively shake off her hand, as if she had shaken off a person he hated so much? Why is the expression on his face at the moment is not repentance, remorse, and dogged pursuit of compound, but a indifferent indifference? She felt as if she had been fooled by the program's inability to accept such a rapid change. Although Park Zhihao has not opened his mouth, and Cheng Xuehui doesn't know what Park Zhihao will say next, Cheng Xuehui can almost predict the general idea of what Park Zhihao wants to say and the outcome of the event.

"It's too late..." Park Zhihao sighed, "I have I've been with Yinyu You know that. " Park Zhihao concentrated on looking at Cheng Xuehui, some empty eyes looking at the distance.

"I don't understand!" Cheng Xuehui said in a loud voice, "Zhihao, we are now together, we have children, and my body is so difficult to have this child, I will not kill our child! But jinyinyu is still young. Even if you two have a close relationship, even if she is pregnant, she will have a bright future after she has killed her child. But what about me? Zhihao, I will be thirty in a few years, and whether I kill this child or not, as long as I am not with you, my life will not be easy. If I don't, it will be difficult for me to take care of the children alone. I'll never have a chance to be a mother again in my life! Zhihao, can you think about it for me

"But I am the first man of gold, silver and jade." Park Zhihao looked at Cheng Xuehui meaningfully. "If I abandon her at this time, you say she's a little girl. She just finished her 18th birthday yesterday. How should she face all this? Should I be a heartless man who asked for her and then immediately dumped her? Should I give her such a gift on her birthday? What's more, she is very kind and a good girl. If I'm sorry for her, she'll miss it! "

"The first man?" Cheng Xuehui "hum" ground sneer, "originally, you are really because of this complex and despise me. Zhihao, I tell you, I had my first time, and my first time was as pure as her. If it wasn't for the first time I met a slag man, I would still be a clean and clean girl if I was with my beloved man! Zhihao, I'm innocent. You can't punish me again because I once met a scum man. Yes, I admit that I'm not like your gold and silver jade for the first time. My body is not as pure as her. But I'm not really a bad woman in your imagination. Every time I am so serious, but every time I have to be hurt, and I have to be despised and treated by my later boyfriend because of the harm I have received. Do you think this is fair to me? Is it because I once met a scum man, so I should live a lifetime without happiness , the fastest update of the webnovel!