"Silver jade..." Park Zhihao's pupil suddenly enlarged and said these two words in his mouth.

"Silver jade?" Cheng Xuehui laughed, "Park Zhihao, you are still the same as before, so cheap, and, all the language in your mouth. You are really a beast Finish saying, Cheng Xuehui's face is incomparably proud. She felt that this time, she was successful in seducing Park Zhihao, and let him catch him before he got himself.

"Not that silver jade. I mean, gold, silver and jade... " Park Zhihao looks at the top of Cheng Xuehui's head, a face of helplessness.

"Park Chi Ho, I didn't think you were such a person!" Cheng Xuehui suddenly felt a burst of angry woman's roar on the top of her head behind her. She looked up and saw the roaring and vivid face of jinyinyu.

Oh, my God! Even angry, she is so beautiful! Cheng Xuehui has to admit in her heart that this girl named jinyinyu is really a natural beauty. She has no makeup and no smile. Even when she is angry, the expression on her face looks incomparably lovely! As for her own, she has to practice in the mirror for a long time every day before she has such a star style. Cheng Xuehui's heart suddenly produced a light sadness. Young and beautiful, pure and innocent, she is indeed a very attractive woman, and even, Cheng Xuehui feels that she has nothing to compare with her. If she was not her rival in love, Cheng Xuehui could almost accept lesbian!

"Yinyu, listen to my explanation..." This time, when the word "silver jade" came out of Park Zhihao's mouth, she finally understood that the "silver jade" he said was the name of gold and silver jade, not the filthy she imagined.

Cheng Xuehui suddenly felt that her low to burst. What's more, she suddenly understood that park Zhihao knew what she thought "silver jade" meant, so he corrected her and said that he was talking about gold and silver jade! Oh, my God! Even park Zhihao saw through the little evil in her heart. Before, it was only park Zhihao who was evil to her! She suddenly felt that she had no face. She really wanted to find a way to get in. Especially when she saw the porridge on Park Zhihao's face, she realized that everything was her own imagination. She recalled what she had just said to park Zhihao and her pride just now. She was really embarrassed to her grandmother's house. She touched the porridge on his face with her hand and tasted it carefully: "this porridge is really sweet, but it's a pity that it's all spilt." Seeing the packing box in the hands of jinyinyu, Cheng Xuehui fully understood that this was the porridge that jinyinyu spilled from her hands when she saw them kissing.

"I don't want to hear your explanation!" Jin Yinyu threw the flat shoes she had bought in her hand directly on Pu Zhihao's face, pointed to park Zhihao's nose and scolded, "you are really a good match. You are in love in the hospital. Cheng Xuehui, you almost got to the hospital bed! Zhiho, do you think I'm a dead man? I just left for a while. During the day, we made love three times. In a twinkling of an eye, you arrived at the hospital, and your physical strength has not recovered. You and Cheng Xuehui can't wait to make love in the hospital. I just bought porridge for you, not for ever. Can you think about my feelings? I'm very kind to serve you two. I sent you two to the hospital, helped Zhihao buy porridge, and helped Cheng Xuehui buy shoes. I didn't expect that's what you did to me! "

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