"Park Min Ho, don't scare people!" Cheng Xuehui was not calm, and some pretended to be calm and calm and said to park minhao, "do you think you are someone in the police station, and I will be afraid of you? Park Minho, I tell you, even if you tell me that the whole Jiangchuan police station is run by your Pu family, I will not be afraid! "

"Good!" Park minhao finish, originally want to scare Cheng Xuehui, he actually dial 110, and has been connected.

"Hello?" The other person's voice sounds mechanical and unpleasant.

"Hello! I want to call the police! My name is park Minho. In Jiangchuan Cafe opposite Jiangchuan hospital, there is a liar who claims to be my girlfriend's sister. He said that he must take my girlfriend away tonight. He insisted that he would not let me have any contact with me and my girlfriend, and would not let me take my girlfriend home. Please come here as soon as possible. I urgently need to know that you give me a justice. You come quickly. I'm afraid I'll be late. My girlfriend will be abducted and run away by this swindler or killed. " Park Min Ho finished in one breath and then hung up the phone.

"Park Min Ho, you really have it! Your mouth is really more and more slip, even the police can be you bluff a Leng a Leng? Do you think I'll be afraid of you if you say that? What kind of female liar, you are the liar. The people who cheated Wei Wei of our family don't tell us. Now, the villains have to complain first. Park Minho, anyone who wants a little face will not be like you. "

"Anyone who wants a little face will not be like you." Park minhao said to Cheng Xuehui, "it's clear that she always intrigues with Wei Wei behind her back. Now what kind of affectionate sister is installed, it makes people sick. It's just that I didn't think about it. You're so disgusting

Cheng Xuehui suddenly felt that her heart was hurt by 10000 points. Once upon a time, she was so beautiful that she became the object of all the stars, and many people fell in love with her beauty. They paid a lot of time and energy and made a lot of efforts to get her. Even if she can't reconcile the taste of all people, but at least, she is not a disgusting person! However, this park Min Ho, who used to have a little affection for her, who felt that he owed her but was still OK with her, now says that she is disgusting! What a frightening word it is, how can it be disgusting!

What do you say, park Min Ho Cheng Xuehui can't accept all this, can't believe Park minhao such a graceful man should say so to her. Is she really that disgusting? But is in front of Luo Xiwei to make up a few lies just, really so disgusting? Park Min Ho, even if you don't like such a popular Dandan, you don't have to say she's disgusting for Luo Xiwei? At this time, Cheng Xuehui's hatred of luoxiwei is more intense than before. She vowed that one day, she would play with Luo Xiwei, who told her to always play with men in her hands! Since she had no way to play with men, she would play with women who could play with men!

"I mean, Cheng Xuehui, you woman, I thought you were very pathetic when I saw you being teased by my big brother. But now, you are really guilty of your own sin. You can't blame my elder brother for empathy. You can only blame yourself for all this! " Park minhao said mercilessly to Cheng Xuehui.

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