"Min Ho! Aren't you very resourceful? How can you lose your chain at such a critical moment? " At the end of the phone, park Zhihao has a slightly reproachful tone, which sounds like he is very concerned about him.

"Brother, do you mean..." Park Min Ho thought about it, still did not know what Park Zhihao really means, "I really don't understand what you mean." Park Minho said very sincerely.

"Min Ho, where are you now?" To my surprise, park Zhihao didn't play cards according to common sense. He did not answer the question put forward by park Min Ho, but put forward another question to park Min Ho.

"I I'm at the gate of Cheng Xuehui's house Park Min Ho replied suspiciously, "brother, what do you want to do with this?"

"Min Ho, wait for me, I will give you a surprise!" Park Zhihao said to him calmly.

Park Min Ho can hear that park Zhihao may be in fitness at the moment. He could hear Park Chi ho gasping on the phone.

"Brother, are you in the gym? You're out of breath. " Said Park Min Ho.

Park Zhihao burst out laughing: "is breathing necessarily in the gym? Maybe I'm with my girlfriend right now

Park Zhihao is indeed the dirty God in his mind! Park Min Ho thought. He shook his head helplessly, and was speechless at the playful manner of Park Zhihao: "brother, when is it, you still make such a joke with me. Didn't you say you wanted to surprise me? What surprise? "

"You'll find out in a moment. You just stand there and don't move. " Park Zhihao ordered.

Park Min Ho just as park Zhihao ordered, just stood in the same place. He looked around curiously, and there was always a premonition that park Zhihao was about to appear in front of him. If Park Zhihao didn't want to appear in front of him, why did he let him stand still and say he wanted to give him a surprise? However, park Min Ho did not know whether his guess was correct. He just stood in the same place, looking at the direction of the elevator entrance, a bit sure and a little uncertain, standing quietly in front of Cheng Xuehui's house.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, park Zhihao really appeared at the elevator entrance, and slowly came to him. When he got closer, he looked at Park Min Ho with joy and called, "Min Ho!"

"Brother, why are you here?" Park Min Ho is still puzzled. Although he guessed that park Zhihao would come, he couldn't figure out the reason why he came here. He looked at Park Zhihao suspiciously, waiting for his answer.

"I'll give you a surprise." Park Zhihao said to him confidently and cheerfully. He put his hand in his trouser pocket and, like a juggler, conjured out a key. "What do you think this is?"

"A key?" However, after a few seconds, he seemed to be aware of something, as if he suddenly understood the intention of Park Zhihao. His head seemed to shake suddenly. It's just that, in his opinion, it seems a bit inappropriate to do so. He looked at Park Zhihao in surprise and asked, "what key is this and whose key is it?"

"This is my key." Park Zhihao quietly said to park Minho, "but this is my key."

"Brother! You are against the law Park Min Ho said, "how can you match other people's home keys without permission?"

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