Park Min Ho concentrate on driving on the path under the dim street lamp, but Luo Xiwei behind him has always been a dishonest look. She kept shouting, shouting "Park Min Ho, you big villain", "Park Min Ho, you let me down quickly", and kept beating his back on the back, turning her full of anger and resentment into every hit she made on Park Min Ho, turning grief and anger into strength.

"All right, all right, stop yelling. How tired you are!" Park Min Ho jokingly said to Luo Xiwei, "if I were you, I would lie down and sleep for a while. How comfortable it would be! You are shouting and beating people. It's a waste of energy and spittle. Do you think anyone will hear you shouting like this? Do you think I'll let you down if you yell

"Park Min Ho, you are a big villain, a heinous villain, let me down quickly!" Exclaimed rothiway.

"Weiwei, if you insist on getting off the bus, I don't want to stop you." Park Min Ho said with a smile, "but ah, this path is very remote. Look out of the window. There are no shops in front of the village behind. If you get off the bus, are you not afraid of being alone? Who knows if there will suddenly be bad people, robbery and lust? Robbery is small, robbery is big! Besides, there may be more than one villain. There may be a group of bad guys Isn't it very tragic? Think about it again. If you follow me home, I have robbed you once. I may not be interested in robbing you again. Moreover, it is better to rob you again than to be robbed by a new person? What's more, just think about it. In case there are many people who want to treat you... "

"Ah Luo Xiwei suddenly screamed, "Park Min Ho, don't say it again!" She covered her ears as hard as she could, even though she knew that this might not really completely insulate her from what Park Min Ho had said.

"Why, you know you're afraid?" Park Min Ho's heart felt a little proud. He looked through the mirror and saw that Luo Xiwei finally became quiet. He said to Luo Xiwei, "that's right. Why can't we live with ourselves? It's better to be a woman by myself than to be a woman with many people at risk. " At the moment, park Min Ho, suddenly that once tyrannical president of the appearance again attached, no longer in front of Luo Xiwei appear trembling, afraid to make her unhappy. At the moment, park Min Ho only knows that as long as it is good for Luo Xiwei, no matter whether Luo Xiwei agrees or not, he has to do it without luoxiwei's consent. Even if she resisted strongly, he would try to get luoxiwei to agree with him.

"Shameless!" Luo Xiwei's mouth slowly spit out the word. She looked at Park Min Ho with some unhappiness. A cherry mouth had long since become a ball. She gave Park Minho a look of grievance, but she was speechless and choked. Although Park Min Ho's words are disgusting, it is reasonable to think about them carefully. Luo Xiwei was afraid to see the grassland on both sides of the road, which was black and boundless outside the window. She really hated Park Min Ho for picking up this road.

The car took a turn to the right, and finally turned from the dim light path to the smaller, narrower, potholed Road on the right. , the fastest update of the webnovel!