"Ah Luoxiwei could not help but scream and turned pale. She quickly put her hands in front of her and said to park Min Ho, "I warn you, you must not come here..."

Wei Wei looks at him, and then he stops.

"Park Min Ho, what are you doing?" Luo Xiwei cried and yelled. Her hands began to push Park Min Ho, who was getting closer and closer to her.

Park Min Ho was very charming and smiling. If Park Min Ho was not a big villain in Luo Xiwei's eyes, she would have fallen in love with Park Min Ho's smile.

"Me?" Park Min Ho grinned and said to Luo Xiwei, "you will know in a while." Park Min Ho finally succeeded in reaching Luo Xiwei's side, and he was going to go to Luo Xiwei's side. No matter how hard Luo Xiwei put his hands against his body, he still resolutely went to Luo Xiwei's side, which made Luo Xiwei feel extremely afraid.

"Don't come here!" Luo Xiwei cried out, no matter how her hands resisted Park Min Ho's body, she was still powerless. Seeing that park Min Ho is about to have a close contact with her, Luo Xiwei's heart is once again flustered to no avail.

Park Min Ho passed Luo Xiwei's body, then took a bottle of mineral water beside her in his hand, twisted it open, and drank most of it at one breath. Slowly, as he screwed on the lid, he said to luoxiwei, "what are you nervous about? I'm just too tired to talk to you and want to drink a bottle of water. "

Luo Xiwei finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Park Min Ho drinking water, as if she did not further action, immediately became relaxed. She finally looked at Park Min Ho calmly, and her face became more beautiful.

Park Min Ho slowly put his face close to Luo Xiwei. Seeing her suddenly become very nervous, he immediately stopped. Then he pushed the door out and went back to the driver's seat in front of him. He took a look at Luo Xiwei behind him. While starting the car, he said to Luo Xiwei: "I think you want to do something intimate with me on purpose? Otherwise, when I approach you, you can open the door and leave here. Why don't you run away and let me do whatever I want in the car? " With that, the corners of Park Min Ho's mouth rose slightly with a smile of pride.

"Park Min Ho, you..." Luo Xiwei suddenly felt aggrieved. At that time, where did she want these things? She only felt that she was in a closed car. She was not supposed to do it every day. How could she think that she could escape? At that time, she was so flustered, so at a loss, her head a blank, completely did not know what to do.

But, this damned Park Min Ho, even took this matter to make fun of her! Obviously, he was unreasonable, and he wanted to take advantage of her. How could he even be ridiculed by him? How unreasonable! Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao angrily and thought in her head. After a while she really arrived at Park Min Ho's residence, what should she do. At least, she must protect herself strictly, and can't be defeated by park Minho again.

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