"No. I don't believe it! " Luo Xiwei felt unable to accept what Park Zhihao said. She kept shaking her head and said to park Zhihao, "you lied to me. You lied to me, didn't you? My sister is not the kind of person you said. She spent so much money on me. How could she cheat me? She made breakfast for me in the morning... "

"Breakfast?" Park Zhihao felt Luo Xiwei's hopelessness, "how much can breakfast cost? Does that make her pay for you? You know what? Cheng Xuehui took it from me, but there are millions of assets, almost tens of millions! The beauty apartment alone is worth more than 5 million yuan. With the RV I bought for her and all kinds of luxuries I bought for her, I'm afraid it will add up to tens of millions. So, Luo Xiwei, if you think about it carefully, you say Cheng Xuehui has spent a lot of money on you. How much is this money? Isn't it worth mentioning when compared with the ten million she got from me? "

"No!" Luo Xiwei kept shaking his head, "Park Zhihao, you must be lying to me! My sister bought the house and the RV by herself! She is a popular female star. Can't she afford it by herself? You must be talking nonsense, destroying my sister's reputation. You're talking nonsense

"I didn't!" Park Zhihao looked at Luo Xiwei very calmly, "Weiwei, no matter what you think, anyway, Cheng Xuehui got a lot of things from men, which is an undeniable fact. If you don't believe it, I have no way. Oh, by the way, if you don't believe it, you are always welcome to my house and visit the house property certificate of Cheng Xuehui. It's lying in my drawer well! "

"Property certificate?" Luo Xiwei suddenly remembered that yesterday Cheng Xuehui had mentioned the house property certificate. She said that the house property certificate was mortgaged to the head of the household in Room 202 of Pu minhao's building. How could it be Park Zhihao? Unless Room 202 is park's house! However, she saw 202's master when she escaped yesterday. That man is not park Zhihao at all! Besides, if he was Park Ji Ho, how could he help himself escape so easily! Luo Xiwei was surprised by everything. She felt that park Zhihao was talking nonsense. However, looking at his extremely serious appearance, Luo Xiwei seemed to feel that everything Park Zhihao said was true. She looked at Park Zhihao suspiciously, "Park Ji Ho, you don't cheat me! How could my sister's real estate certificate be with you? "

"As I said, if you don't believe it, you can go to my place and have a look." Said Park Chi ho.

"I'm not going." Luo Xiwei said, "you must want to help park Min Ho again, and lure me to him? Park Chi Ho, I'm not fooled by you

"Ha ha..." Park Zhihao suddenly burst out laughing, "Luo Xiwei, do you think I need this? If I really want to help Min Ho get you from here to him, why should I cheat you? I'll just lift you on my shoulder and take you away like yesterday. Why do you have to do this? Wei Wei, sometimes, you are really too simple

"I was abducted by you yesterday because it was too dark. Now, in broad daylight, can you take me away in broad daylight? This is kidnapping Luo Xiwei said aloud to park Zhihao.

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