"Snow flower." Song Zhiheng sees Cheng Xuehui struggling in some kind of emotion, and calls her name very gently.

"Song Zhiheng." Cheng Xuehui suddenly got rid of that sad mood and coldly said to song Zhiheng, "I know your kindness, but you must know that I have already conceived Pu Zhihao's child. The father of the child in my stomach is park Zhihao. I can't have any relationship with other men, let alone you."

"Me? What's wrong with me? " Song Zhiheng doesn't understand what Cheng Xuehui means by "not to mention you". What's his matter? Is he really inferior to others? In terms of appearance, he is handsome, handsome and tall. In terms of career, he is hardworking and progressive, and his career is on the rise. What's wrong with him? He wants Cheng Xuehui to treat him with an attitude that is not as good as other men's? It's not fair!

"You are younger than me." Cheng Xuehui said. She is very concerned that her boyfriend is younger than her. She thinks that, in this way, a man can't take care of her. Instead, he has to make her pay attention to make her become a man's mother. She likes to be spoiled and loved by her boyfriend like a little girl, instead of having more responsibility and care to take good care of a big man. It's really tiring. She looked at Song Zhiheng and said to song Zhiheng very directly and frankly, "Zhiheng, in fact, I can understand your intention very well. But you're younger than me. I can't accept that

"Why?" Song Zhiheng couldn't understand, "Xuehui, I'm only three years younger than you. What's the matter? And even if you are three years older than me, when we stand together, the height difference is very appropriate. In terms of appearance, we can be regarded as a golden child and jade girl. Besides, you can't see from your face that you are older than me. We both look almost the same size! "

"Zhiheng, you don't understand. Women grow old faster!" Cheng Xuehui said to song Zhiheng, "you are right. From now on, we look really handsome and beautiful. We may be envied by many people when we walk together. But, Zhiheng, have you ever thought about it? In the next ten years, I will be getting older and older. It can be said that my appearance has almost reached the peak of my life. From this period, my appearance will gradually decline. It can even be said that today, ten years later, I am a half old woman, and there are not many men willing to look at me when walking on the street. But what about you? Ten years later, you are only in your early 30s. You will reach a peak in your career and appearance. As men age slowly, you are likely to be attractive for the next 20 years. According to the speed of your popularity in the entertainment industry, you are likely to be very brilliant in the next 20 years. Then, in this way, there will be many beautiful girls around you. Can you resist the temptation of these beautiful young girls? Twenty years later, I have reached middle age, and I have become unable to see. At that time, would you give up so many beautiful young girls around me for the sake of this beautiful woman? Zhiheng, park Zhihao can give up on me when my beauty reaches its peak. Then when I get old and you are young If we are together, I really don't have this assurance and confidence. Besides, I am pregnant with another man's child, and I will give birth to this child. Would you like to see your own woman give birth to another man's child? "

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