"What? You don't have the key? " Song Zhiheng felt some strange, "is not the door you closed?"

"I closed the door, but I really don't have the key." "There is no key on the door. And I don't even know where the key is

"My God Cheng Xuehui yelled, "do you mean the key is locked at home?"

"Maybe It seems to be. " Luo Xiwei stammered.

"Well I can't go back? " Cheng Xuehui said, "there is only one key in my house, which is in the drawer under my TV cabinet. Vivie, why don't you want to bring the key down when you close the door? If you can't find the key, won't you ask me to close the door again? "

"I'm sorry..." Luo Xiwei's face was guilty. "At that time, you fainted. My mind was full of your safety, and I didn't think about anything else. Besides, even if I want to bring the key, I don't know where the key is, and you have fainted. Even if I want to ask you, I can't ask you... "

“Oh!” Cheng Xuehui felt quite helpless, "so you are blaming me? Blame me for fainting, right? "

"I don't mean that..." "I just I really don't know where the key is. "

"All right, all right." Song Zhiheng quickly interrupts the conversation between Cheng Xuehui and Luo Xiwei, and says to Cheng Xuehui, "what's important now is not to investigate these things. We should try to find a way to open the door of your house, and speed up, otherwise I can't make lunch for you, and you will be hungry."

"Well The key is locked at home. What can I do? " Cheng Xuehui said to song Zhiheng.

"Now maybe there is only one way." Song Zhiheng said to Cheng Xuehui, "change the lock."

"Change the lock?" Cheng Xuehui said, "is there no other way?" Cheng Xuehui obviously can't bear to change the lock. For one thing, it's troublesome. Secondly, she always feels some regret in her heart. If she changes the lock of the house, what if the door is broken? Anyway, no matter what things in the home are broken, Cheng Xuehui will feel some regret in the heart.

"Unless you have another key." Song Zhiheng said to Cheng Xuehui.

"Another key?" Cheng Xuehui ponders that her house is not without another key, but some. When he got to the house, park gave her one set of keys and put another in his own pocket. Let alone ask Park Zhihao to take it without the key this time, and let her suitor song Zhiheng take it. He is absolutely unwilling. Besides, the key knew that she had lost it. What should park do if he took the house back on impulse? Cheng Xuehui thinks carefully, change a key also, so the key in park Zhihao's hand is invalid. In this way, in case Park Zhihao is still unwilling to marry her, it will not be possible for him to take back the house because of his repentance. Moreover, the house property certificate is still in the hands of Park Zhihao. Yesterday, she had once suffered from the loss that park Zhihao had a key in her hand. He unexpectedly took Luo Xiwei away from her room without knowing it! Since there is a first time, it is very likely that there will be a second time. In case he goes to her house and throws her out, and then gives the house to other women, what can we do? Although Cheng Xuehui thinks that park Zhihao has a lot of money, he won't care too much about the beautiful woman's apartment. However, Cheng Xuehui can't help thinking and worrying.

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