Luo Xiwei takes a glance at Park minhao, and sees that he is slowly approaching her. Then, his sharp and ghostly eyes make Luo Xiwei's heart tremble. She looked at Park Min Ho weakly, but he was closer to her, and they were almost close to each other.

Luo Xiwei retreated two steps in fright and looked at Park Minho with some shudders: "you What are you trying to do

"Vivie, you are my girlfriend. Don't be afraid of me, will you Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei very seriously, with a very sincere look. In his heart, Luo Xiwei is always that lovely and pure girl. No matter whether she lost her memory or not, after all, he is still her man. He wants to protect her and use his life-long energy to protect her.

Luo Xiwei nodded a little astringently. She looked at Song Zhiheng and could not see that he felt any difference in their relationship. She looked at Park Min Ho again, and he was still very eager to care for her and get her - even though he had actually got her, and many times. She looked at Park Min Ho shyly. Her right leg stepped back a little, and her center of body leaned back a little. In her heart, she still felt a little afraid and a little difficult to accept, especially the way Park Min Ho was so close to her that she felt very unnatural. What's more, song Zhiheng is still in this ward. Even if she and park minhao are lovers, he is so close to her, which makes her feel shy and embarrassed in her heart. Therefore, Luo Xiwei's eyes drooped slightly, and she did not dare to face Park minhao's eyes at all.

Park Min Ho seemed to feel Luo Xiwei's shyness, so he finally stepped back a few steps, adjusted the distance between him and Luo Xiwei to a range acceptable to ordinary people, to the range that Luo Xiwei could accept to strangers, so that Luo Xiwei's heart was no longer so resistant.

Luo Xiwei's whole heart suddenly relaxed. Seeing that park Min Ho had retreated to a place where she felt comfortable, her heart gradually returned to calm: "Park Min Ho, I..."

"Wei Wei, you don't say anything." Park Min Ho said, "I know. I know everything."

"Well." Luo Xiwei nodded and looked at Park Min Ho's extremely gentle voice. She found her boyfriend's feeling in park minhao's body. Then, after this instant, her feeling immediately disappeared. The feeling that park Min Ho was her boyfriend, and sometimes she felt that she was not, was really quite subtle.

"Vivi, thank you for believing that I'm your boyfriend." Park Min Ho said, "I know that now you are still in amnesia, and you have not fully remembered who I am and what happened between us. Therefore, you still have a sense of distance from me. I know all these things, and I can wait slowly, so that you can slowly accept me in your heart, and when you think of me and think of what happened between us Love, think of me as your boyfriend. Weiwei, I will wait patiently. Please give me some time and try hard to let you recover your memory, OK

Luo Xiwei nodded at a loss. She really didn't expect that park Min Ho could be so gentle to her. Don't say it's your boyfriend. No matter which man is, as long as you can treat yourself with the kind of gentle attitude Park minhao had just said to him, I'm afraid she will be moved and even fall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!