"Good." Park Min Ho said, "Wei Wei, since you think so, then I respect your choice. Choose yourself Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei very cheerfully.

"Well." Luo Xiwei finally nodded happily. She looked at Song Zhiheng, hopped to him and said, "Song Zhiheng, let's go!"

"Oh." Song Zhiheng looked at Park minhao with a stiff face and said to him, "President Park, that We're gone... " He looked at Park Min Ho with some hesitation and some embarrassment, as if he had made a mistake, and felt deeply guilty about Park Min Ho. Maybe it's because Park Min Ho's girlfriend is going to follow him, so he feels so guilty. However, they clearly went to Cheng Xuehui's house to help Cheng Xuehui cook, not to do anything shady! Song Zhiheng himself did not understand, why to park minhao gave birth to a feeling called guilt?

However, since Luo Xiwei is park Min Ho's woman, before taking his woman away, he must see Park Min Ho nodding his head before he can really take Luo Xiwei away. Therefore, his eyes have been focused on Park Min Ho's body, waiting for him to nod his head.

"Go ahead." Park Min Ho nodded and looked at Song Zhiheng plaintively. Until song Zhiheng and Luo Xiwei left, he had been looking at their back with sadness, until finally, their figure completely disappeared in park minhao's vision.

Park Min Ho looked back and saw a dead, silent ward. He looked at Park Zhihao, who was still on the hospital bed, and sighed with great sorrow.

"Oh! Isn't this President Park? What do you sigh for? " A tall, fair skinned, thin, thin faced nurse with a red face and a tray in her hand entered Park Zhihao's ward and said to him.

Park Min Ho felt that this nurse was very different from other nurses. The rest of the nurses, both in appearance and figure, were very average. However, this female nurse has a good figure and a beautiful face. She has always had a charming smile on her face, which makes Park Min Ho feel comfortable physically and mentally. It's a pity that she has a red face. If she meets her again, he can only distinguish it from the ordinary people. If she were to be thrown among a group of women of similar appearance, he would not recognize her face any more. Her face as like as two peas and snake faces, which are very weak, are beautiful, but they are very popular. The difference between this female nurse and other nurses is not only limited to her appearance, but also her smile, the way she walks and the way she talks Her smile is Soul-catching. If she adds the small waist wriggling when she walks and says some nice words that men like to hear, I'm afraid any man with weak willpower will be hard to resist

"Hello, nurse." Park Min Ho said very politely to the net red faced nurse, "I just lament that my brother hasn't woken up all the time."

The female nurse slowly took his blood pressure and observed him. Then, she sighed and said to him, "he hasn't woken up all the time, and hasn't his fingers moved yet?"

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