"Hello, Mr. park! You can rest assured that all the doctors in our Jiangchuan hospital are skillful. I believe that the hospital will give Pu Zhihao a good treatment plan. "Tong Kangjian said to park Zhentian," I still have work to do, so I'll leave first. " With that, Tong Kang quickly closes the door of the ward.

"How about it? I'm not talking nonsense, am I? " Su Xiaoxiao swaggered to Tong Kangjian and said, "I said that Pu Zhihao hasn't woken up, but you don't believe it. What's up? You almost hit the wall, right? However, you are quite good at pretending. Who is your Tong Kangjian? I don't know yet? Everything seems reasonable, but are you so kind to visit patients? You can only carry a stretcher, you can't visit patients at all. If you really go to see patients like you said, I think the hospital will give you a raise and promotion, and you will not be able to lift it for nearly 20 years. You Tong Kang Jian is a person who can only talk empty words. You should really go to those small enterprises to develop. What they lack is that you are such a good and obedient person who can make everyone happy, but you can't do anything practical. It's really a pity that you're a bit of a talent to carry a stretcher in the hospital. It's a pity that what the hospital needs is not a person like you who can only talk well. Ha ha Su Xiaoxiao laughed and make complaints about the health of the child very happily.

"Su Xiaoxiao!" Tong Kangjian was very excited, "you just played me off, you are still here to satirize me arrogantly!"

"Tong Kangjian, you have to open the door to see it. I didn't force you." Su Xiaoxiao said triumphantly, "you didn't believe what I said, so you opened the door. If you believe what I said, would you go to the door and confirm it? Tong Kangjian, if you don't listen to my advice, you still wronged a good man! I am really more unjust than Dou E! " Su Xiaoxiao jokingly complained.

"You're so eloquent Tong Kangjian said, "didn't you tempt me to open the door? Su Xiaoxiao, I know that I may have guessed wrong. Park Zhihao hasn't woken up yet. You didn't do anything with Park Zhihao just now. "

"So?" Su Xiaoxiao asked, "Tong Kangjian, what new clues do you have and what new conclusions have you found?"

"Although there can be nothing between you and Park Ji Ho, who is unconscious." Tong Kangjian said, "but there are still two living people in it! It's very likely that you have something to do with those two people. "

"Please Su Xiaoxiao laughed and said, "the two living people inside? One dizzy, one half old, can they have that strength? "

"Who knows?" Tong Kangjian said, "anyway, only you know the truth."

"Yes, the truth is only known to me." Su Xiaoxiao touched his fingernails with pride and said to Tong Kangjian, "in the final analysis, what's the matter with you? You might as well look for other nurses instead of investigating this and guessing that one! I see! Ah! She's perfect for you! Besides, she doesn't have a boyfriend Su Xiaoxiao pointed to a short and fat female nurse who happened to pass by them and had extremely ugly facial features. With that, she laughed and bent over.

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