He wanted to take this opportunity to scare Mao Xiaofang. I didn't expect that Mao Xiaofang really believed it and went downstairs in a hurry!

Taking advantage of Mao Xiaofang's opportunity to go downstairs, Tong Kangjian climbed from the second and a half floors to the toilet on the third floor, and called the guard uncle downstairs to collect his model for the time being.

So, when Mao Xiaofang went downstairs, he found nothing strangely! She also so naively raised a smile and asked Tong Kangjian how to fly up. Such a lovely side has added a lot of points to her in Tong Kang's heart.

"Me! I won't tell you! " Tong Kangjian said to Mao Xiaofang downstairs. Then, it disappeared in the sight of Mao Xiaofang.

When Tong Kangjian came out of the men's room, he found a pair of eyes staring at him all the time. That pair of bright and thorough big eyes, not other people's, is his favorite woman Su Xiaoxiao!

"Tong Kang Jian." Su Xiaoxiao has been staring at Tong Kangjian for a long time. She has already seen through the tricks that Tong Kangjian just played. So, she said to Tong Kangjian, "you are naive."

"Childish?" Tong Kangjian said, "Xiaoxiao, this is not my childishness, but Mao Xiaofang is so stupid that he really thinks I jumped out of a building."

"Tong Kangjian, don't you think it's a bit too much to play such a fool?" Su Xiaoxiao criticized, "it's right that Mao Xiaofang looks ugly, but ugliness shouldn't be the reason why you tease her?"

Tong Kangjian suddenly felt puzzled. He didn't feel that he was teasing Mao Xiaofang. He felt that he was completely harmless. Besides, isn't Su Xiaoxiao always dislike Mao Xiaofang? Did Su Xiaoxiao tease Mao Xiaofang just now? However, why is it that she is just and awe inspiring and blames him completely? Tong Kangjian doesn't understand.

"I'm not teasing her." Tong Kangjian said seriously, "I just I think it's fun to tease her

"Fun?" Su Xiaoxiao looked very angry and said to Tong Kangjian, "do you know? When I saw Mao Xiaofang go out with tears in her eyes, I knew that she had you in her heart

"Me?" Tong Kangjian sneered, "Xiaoxiao, you know, I don't like Mao Xiaofang. I like you! Even if Mao Xiaofang likes me again, how about that? I only have you in my heart! I just want to be with you! Xiaoxiao, I know, Xiaofang, she is really a very kind girl, and you, maybe a little open, a little bit dark, but I just can't help thinking about you and liking you. No matter you are a good girl or a bad girl, I like you! Since I choose to like you, I'll accept all your looks, good and bad, isn't it? Xiaoxiao, there is no reason for love, and there is no reason to love a person. In my heart, you are always the best. "

Tong Kangjian looks like a lover saint, which makes Su Xiaoxiao feel surprised. At the same time, she also had to feel deeply sorry that since she was cheated by her first man, she could no longer take love seriously. Even though there are many men who have become her boyfriends, she takes them as the past and never takes them seriously. For Tong's vigorous pursuit of health and all kinds of hard and soft measures, she always felt that they were just out of routine rather than sincerity.

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