"Well And we left. " Song Zhiheng said calmly.

However, just as the gold and silver jade was ready to close the door, Luo Xiwei suddenly stopped: "wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Jinyinyu was on guard. She thought Luo Xiwei wanted to run into the house, so she made full use of her right hand.

"Don't you go to the hospital to see your boyfriend, park Zhihao?" Luo Xiwei asked, "I haven't seen you in the hospital since his accident."

Song Zhiheng thought carefully, the fact is really like Luo Xiwei said! Isn't Jin Yinyu Pu Zhihao's girlfriend? However, it seems that jinyinyu has never stayed in the hospital since Pu Zhihao's accident, and she seems to have no idea of Park Zhihao's current situation. Because song Zhiheng has been in the whole process from Park Zhihao's being pushed out of the operating room to now, but during this period, he has not seen any gold, silver and jade. After they saw the gold, silver and jade, she did not seem to show any concern for him, let alone asked them about his condition. Is this a normal girlfriend? Isn't that weird? Song Zhiheng thought. The first thing Jin Yinyu did after Pu Zhihao's accident was not to care about him, but to occupy his house! This girl friend is really wonderful!

"I'll go." Gold and silver jade said, "I am not going to see him after taking a bath? By the way, Zhihao is my boyfriend. What's your business if I go to see him or not? You're not Zhihao's girlfriend. You don't seem to have the right to ask about it? "

"You're right. I have no right to ask." "Let's go," said rothwig

"No!" Gold and silver jade white one eye Luo Xiwei, very unhappy to say. She was about to close the door, only to find that the door was blocked by a powerful force and could not be closed at all.

What's going on here? Jin Yinyu felt strange. However, she finally found that song Zhiheng blocked the door with one hand.

"Song Song Zhiheng, what do you want to do? " Gold, silver and jade stammered.

"I just want to tell you that you are Park Zhihao's girlfriend. You should not have never been in the hospital until now." Song Zhiheng said.

"Song Zhiheng! It's good to say that to me? " Jin Yinyu finally got angry, "do you forget who beat the pickaxe like this? If it wasn't for you, the pickaxe could be in the hospital? Do you mean to blame me? "

"I know it's my fault to hit people. I should be responsible for it. However, as park's girlfriend, you never went to see him. You know what? Park Zhihao has not yet woken up. " Song Zhiheng said very seriously.

"Why What? " Gold, silver and jade are confused, "what do you say? He hasn't woken up yet? So Where's the doctor? Didn't the doctor treat him? "

"After he came out of the operating room, the doctor told us that he might wake up in a day or two, or he might not wake up for a lifetime." Song Zhiheng said, "that's why we feel that Pu Zhihao is like this, but you, as his girlfriend, have never appeared. It seems very strange. I just didn't think that the first thing you did after Park Zhihao's accident was to change the lock of his house. " Song Zhiheng looked at the lock on the door and said to Jin Yinyu.

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