The girl shook her head. "No Then, she quickly changed her words and said, "that's right."

"Is that right?" Gold, silver and jade simply asked.

"That's right! I still adore song Zhiheng. " Said the girl.

"Worship?" Jin Yinyu was very surprised. "Do you worship him?"

"Yes The girl nodded repeatedly. She didn't dare to say that she liked song Zhiheng. If this little girl was jealous, wouldn't it make her embarrassed? She will lose the chance to interview her! In this way, she lost a good news, lost a great opportunity! How could she watch the cooked duck fly away? After working for a year, she has accumulated a little social experience. She can't be so stupid.

"What do you admire him for? What is he to worship? " Jin Yinyu looked at the girl displeased and said.

The girl was stunned, but she still said officially, "isn't song Zhiheng very popular recently? A lot of girls are his fans, so I slowly adore him

"I don't have any ideas at all!" Jinyinyu glanced at the girl and said, "do you know song Zhiheng, do you know him well? Do you worship him blindly? At our age, what we should do is to go to school well and contribute to the society and serve the motherland in the future. It's better to chase the stars of science and technology than to pursue the stars. How many conveniences do people provide for the society when they invent this invention? The greatest human beings are those scientists, and the most admirable are those scientists and technicians! What's to worship for a little fresh meat eating by face? Good looking is all given by parents. What can I be proud of? I advise you to go back and study hard! I think you are a little older than me. Are you still in college? Do you just care about playing and chasing stars when you go to university? I think it's better to study hard. Then, it's time to find a job and continue to study. Do you know all these stars' moral quality and moral character? You just like him. Oh, no, you're more ignorant. You still worship him. I really don't understand him. He's a good-looking man with good light and strong body. What's worth worshiping? "

Listening to Jin Yinyu's tone of voice, the girl originally thought that jinyinyu was song Zhiheng's girlfriend, or a girl who was fond of song Zhiheng, or was chasing him. But now it seems that jinyinyu not only dislikes song Zhiheng, but also seems to have something wrong with song Zhiheng. In this way, the girl is more happy, and in this way, the girl is very likely to tell her everything she knows. And if she likes song Zhiheng, she will not give news with explosive substance. So, the girl chuckled and said, "actually To tell you the truth, I thought you were song Zhiheng's girlfriend, so I told you that I adored him. In fact, I don't worship him at all. I just like the technicians who make rockets and airplanes. Like song Zhiheng, a star who only lives on one face, I have no feelings for them at all. "

"Really?" Jinyinyu couldn't believe it. What the girl said became too fast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!