Therefore, Luo song took a glance at Park Min Ho's face. He looked at Park Min Ho tentatively. At the moment when Park Min Ho's eyes converged, park Min Ho didn't seem to show anything unusual.

With his years of contact with Park Min Ho as an assistant to the president, he is basically half of the worm in park Min Ho's stomach. Most of them are because of Pu minhao. Luo song can basically guess what he thinks. The other half is because Luo song's personal attainments in work and emotion are far inferior to park minhao. If Luo song can understand and even understand all the things Park Min Ho thinks about, then he is another park Min Ho, not Luo song.

Luo song concluded that Luo Xiwei was in the hospital. There was no secret. The questions he wanted to ask were completely asked. So he took a step forward, put his head out more and said with a smile to Luo Xiwei: "Secretary Luo, what's wrong with you? How did you stay in the hospital? "

Luo Xiwei was immediately asked by Luo song. She looked at the strange face in front of her and was stunned. First of all, she couldn't remember anything. He had no impression of anyone in his mind. She had no idea who he was. Secondly, she wondered why he called her secretary Luo? It's true that her surname is Luo, but when did she become a secretary? Whose secretary is she? Is this uncle's secretary? Thirdly, park Min Ho didn't say that he sent his subordinates to help him deliver the dishes? What's more, seeing him deliver the food to park Min Ho's hand just reflects that he is a subordinate of Park Min Ho! So if she is the Secretary of this uncle, what is her relationship with Park Min Ho? Subordinates of subordinates? Oh, my God! What kind of relationship should this be? Is she worthy of Park Min Ho? Finally, Luo Xiwei is puzzled that she is clearly an actress? Why did you become a secretary again? And the character on TV is not a secretary either Therefore, Luo Xiwei appears more perplexed. She looked at Luo song with a pair of puzzled eyes, tilted her head and asked, "we Do you know? "

"Secretary Luo!" Luo song is almost stunned! He looked at Luo Xiwei with a confused face, and suddenly felt that Luo Xiwei did not look pregnant, but seemed to have a fever in his brain! He looked at Park Min Ho in surprise and asked, "President Park, this Secretary Luo, what's wrong with her? Does she not know me Luo song Zai Zai looked at Luo Xiwei carefully, and felt very incredible.

"The Song Dynasty." Park Min Ho said to Luo song, "the company's affairs have been hard on you these days."

"Good." As soon as he mentioned the company, Luo song seemed to forget a series of questions about Luo Xiwei in his mind. He immediately paid special attention to his work. "By the way, President Park, I heard that park Zhihao has become a vegetable. Is that true?" Luo Song said softly in Pu minhao's ear.

"What do you say?" Park Min Ho was very surprised to look at Luo song, his eyes were huge.

"Ah?" Luo song suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something wrong. Looking at Park Min Ho so surprised, dare to feel that park Zhihao has not become a vegetable, this online news is false? , the fastest update of the webnovel!