"Which microblog are you talking about?" Cheng Xuehui is surprised to stare at an eye to ask a way.

"It is I don't know All I know is that this is a long microblog on the Internet It is said that it is very long Elder sister Are you What I saw was not the one I heard from others Luo Xiwei asks Cheng Xuehui curiously.

"Vivie." Cheng Xuehui looked at Luo Xiwei and said, "what I see is indeed a long micro blog. However, it seems that it is not as long as you said. About a few hundred words! It says that you and song Zhiheng went to park Zhihao's house to make trouble Vivie, what's going on here? What are you doing in park's house? What's more, how did Park Ji ho get hurt? Does his injury have anything to do with Park Chi Ho's house? "

Luo Xiwei looks at Cheng Xuehui timidly. She doesn't know what Cheng Xuehui knows and what she doesn't know. Therefore, Luo Xiwei's face is very difficult. Cheng Xuehui thought it was she and song Zhiheng who went to park Zhihao's house to make trouble. That is to say, Cheng Xuehui knew that her house was not her house, but park Zhihao's house, or did she think they really went to park Zhihao's house to make trouble? Luo Xiwei's face is at a loss. She looks at Cheng Xuehui and nods silently. Park Zhihao's injuries are not only closely related to the house in the beauty apartment, but also is caused by this house! If Park Zhihao didn't suddenly appear in the house, song Zhiheng would never have a chance to teach him a lesson, and he would not end up in a coma in the hospital and would probably be a vegetable forever.

So, Luo Xiwei had to nod to Cheng Xuehui honestly: "this thing It does have something to do with the house, and if there was no house, perhaps park would not be lying in the hospital at this moment. "

"Really?" Cheng Xuehui felt incredible. She was even impatient: "that Why did you go to park Zhihao to make trouble? This And how did you find his place? "

"It's not that we are going to make trouble..." Luo Xiwei said weakly, "yes It was Park Zhihao who came to the door and took his little girl friend with him. They occupied your house. What else did they say? This is park Zhihao's house. Park Zhihao also said Say... " Speaking of this, Luo Xiwei was a little afraid to go on.

"What did he say?" Cheng Xuehui is looking forward to looking at Luo Xiwei. Her two eyes are staring at Luo Xiwei without blinking. She says to her.

"He said He said Luo Xi Wei also slanted his eyes and looked at Cheng Xuehui, "he said he had counted the time. The child in your stomach can't be his. And He said he would take his house back from you and give it to his little girl friend Jin Yinyu... "

"What?" Cheng Xuehui can't believe all this! Park Zhihao did not want to be responsible, and even if she had to kill the child. Now he did not believe that the child in her belly was his, and he said such a bastard that what was in her stomach was not his Pu Zhihao's! Oh, my God! As her boyfriend, how can park Zhihao distrust her like this! Cheng Xuehui suddenly felt a little out of breath. She was so angry that she couldn't believe it.

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