"Yes?" Li Nuo looked at Luo Xiwei, and a trace of evil smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"I..." Luo Xiwei is embarrassed to see lino. She clubbed there awkwardly. Then, she said "I'm gone" to lino. Then, she suddenly disappeared into the night sky, leaving lino standing alone, blinking and cluttering in the dining room.

When Luo Xiwei just walked out of the western restaurant, she began to regret secretly. Why run out alone? Isn't it nice to have someone send you? Why run out, so that a person in the dark so tangled? Where should she go? She has always lived in park Min Ho's home. Now Park Min Ho suspects that she is a woman who almost made a green grassland grow on his head. How can she find Park minhao and tell her that she is homeless? So, to Cheng Xuehui's house? Oh no, for now, it should be Park Zhihao's home! Now Park Zhihao's home is park Zhihao's little girl friend. At noon, she and song Zhiheng "broke into" her house. Since there has been a conflict between them, can she still take her in? Luo Xiwei felt that this was really embarrassing. So, where else can I go? Where's lino? no Absolutely not! In this case, then Park Min Ho more believe that there is something between her and lino!

When Luo Xiwei felt very helpless, she suddenly found a familiar figure on the street! Luo Xiwei was almost moved to cry. She looked at the figure anxiously looking for something. She had an inexplicable feeling that he was looking for her in a very anxious way! She suddenly felt that she had a place in his mind. She was almost about to step forward and reach out and hug him slowly.

However, just as Luo Xiwei walked forward slowly and was preparing to meet his warm embrace, she passed him by!

He didn't even look at her. He just passed by her. Park Min Ho, smiling sweetly, walked to a red car next to him. Then, he gave a big hug to the beautiful girl in a blue dress and curly hair.

Luoxiwei's heart was about to break. She never thought that she was so hoping that park Min Ho could appear beside her, and that park Min Ho was looking for her in the crowd, and that park Min Ho could love her very much. Standing in such a dark cold wind, she gave her a big warm embrace and said to her, "honey, you are wronged.". However, she did not wait for these, but park Min Ho did not even look at her, is thrown into the arms of other women.

Luo Xiwei looks at the girl in the distance. Her height is very high. She is only half a head shorter than Park Min Ho in high-heeled shoes. She looked so lively and lovely, and she did not lack temperament, which made Luo Xiwei feel extremely beautiful. That girl is not only beautiful in appearance, but also in her face. Her eyes always convey confidence.

Looking at the girl, Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that she had been compared. She lost, completely lost, whether in appearance, or in temperament, Luo Xiwei felt that she was a total failure.

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