"All right. Here you are. This is today's surveillance video. " Soon, lino copied all the video, and then handed Luo Xiwei a U disk, and said to Luo Xiwei with a happy face.

"Thank you." Luo Xiwei took over the U disk and said to lino.

"You're welcome. You're my girlfriend. No thanks. " Said lino to luoxiwei.

"Fake girlfriend." Luoxiweite said heavily when the word "false" was pronounced.

"Yes, false girlfriends." Lino laughed. What about fake girlfriends? Lino thought, true and false, sometimes false also true, sooner or later, I will turn you into a true girlfriend! His heart is sweet, so fast has just met a girl over the stage of friends and turned her into his false girlfriend, so, is it far from being his true girlfriend? Lino was in full bloom.

"By the way, didn't you just say that you walk around without clothes after taking a bath? Did you copy all the videos of the day to me? Is there a picture of you walking around naked? I'm afraid it's not appropriate? " Luo Xiwei worried.

"You're all my girlfriend. Why don't I look naked?" Lino joked, "this, you can see it."

"I said it was a fake girlfriend!" Luo Xiwei once again stressed, "if you want me to be your true girlfriend, I won't want this one." Luo Xiwei said solemnly, while holding the U disk in his hand, completely presented in front of lino.

"Good, good, false girlfriends are fake girlfriends." "I'm teasing you," said lino. "You look serious, but you're far from smiling."

Luo Xiwei glanced at lino: "it was a fake girlfriend." She was still obsessed with the word "false". She felt that she needed to remind lino from time to time so that he would not forget the true and the false.

"Well, my fake girlfriend, don't be angry, OK?" Seeing luoxiwei with a stiff face, lino comforted, "Weiwei, in fact, I haven't taken a bath today, so there's no picture of me walking around without clothes in this video. So, you can take it as far as possible, and it won't get in the way." Said lino to luoxiwei.

"Oh! That's good. " Luo Xiwei finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, she suddenly felt as if something was wrong, but she could not remember. Until looking at the strange eyes of lino, she finally remembered that she seemed to be in the action of lino! She suddenly cried out, "no, I'm in a trap!" She looked at lino with anger in her eyes.

"Why What's the matter? " Suddenly, lino felt as if he had let out his mouth. Looking at Luo Xiwei so angry, he knew that Luo Xiwei must have found something, so he suddenly became so angry. She shouldn't be Did you go back on it? Lino was a little worried.

"Didn't you say that there was a picture of you walking around without clothes after taking a bath, so you can't give me the video, let alone ask colleagues to edit it?" Luo Xiwei raised her face and asked.

"Yes Yes... " Lino suddenly had an ominous premonition that a storm seemed to be coming. Looking at Luo Xiwei, he suddenly felt guilty.

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