"How could it be?" The uncle laughed triumphantly and was very confident. "Don't scare me with such words. Do you think you are really Park Min Ho? What's more, even if you are Park Min Ho and you hit people, you can still pay no price? "

"Then wait and see." Park Min Ho's mouth slightly glanced, showing a helpless smile.

The car soon drove to the police station, Luo Xiwei has been tired to practice yawning. Park Min Ho was very concerned about Luo Xiwei and said, "are you tired? Otherwise, you can rest in the car! I'll just go in alone

"Is that ok?" Luo Xiwei asked with confused eyes.

"Of course. Did you forget? We've been here twice, haven't we been all right every time? Almost all the people here know me Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei very gently.

"No! This girl is in the middle of the night. What happened to you in the car. What happened tonight has something to do with her. You both have to go in! I can tell you that I came here today, not only for you to hurt me, but also for what you did in the car... " The uncle snapped, "don't think I'm afraid if you say that. You dare not go in yourself, so you say that on purpose? Even if you are Park Min Ho, I don't believe Park Min Ho has been here twice. What can he do? Besides, even if Park Min Ho, even if he had someone in the police station, he would not know all the people in the whole police station, right? So don't try to cheat me The uncle was very proud to smile, happy that he saw through their tricks. He thought that he might really be a rich man. Then, he could "treat them leniently" and not detain them. As long as they paid more money, he would "let go" them, just as he could act as a good man. So he laughed and walked quickly ahead. After a while, he was afraid that they would run away again, so he asked them to walk in front of him.

when he reached the guard, park minhao was stopped by the night guard at the guard: "who are you? What can I do for you to come here? "

Uncle's mouth slightly smile, he stood behind Park Min Ho, underestimated: "also said that he knew all the people in the police station, even the small security guard do not know you." With that, he immediately went to park Min Ho in front of him and said to the little security guard, "they were captured by me tonight."

"Oh, I see." The security guard obeyed and opened the door.

Uncle has always been a proud look. He looked at Park Min Ho behind him. He didn't seem to be afraid at all! It's up to him. His lies have been exposed. He doesn't know all the people here. Why does he look so confident? Therefore, the uncle finally decided to frustrate Park Min Ho's spirit.

"How are you, young man? The security guard at the door doesn't know you Uncle's tone, with a little doubt and irony.

"I don't know him either." Park Min Ho said with incomparable indifference. He saw that Luo Xiwei was a little scared, so he subconsciously held her hand.

However, park Min Ho's little move was actually seen by the uncle. The uncle sighed helplessly and shook his head in silence: "young man, it's no use holding hands again. I'm afraid it's too late to act as a boyfriend and girlfriend at this time? Do you think you'll hold hands and we'll believe you're boyfriends? "

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