"Thank you for your trust. But let me explain it! " Park minhao said to song Junyan, "this is what happened. Actually, luoxiwei is my girlfriend, but we had a fight, and then she ran out and I drove after her. I don't know how. On the way back, I drove to the grass over there. Then, we naturally I don't think I need to say more about it! Since Luo Xiwei and I are male and female friends, there is nothing wrong between us. But if the police uncle really wants to arrest us for doing these things with my girlfriend I think that half of the young men and women in Jiangchuan city will be arrested! What's more, it's so small here. I'm really worried that even if we build another 100 prisons, I'm afraid it won't be enough for young people! " Park Min Ho said with great pride.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Song Jun nodded repeatedly. He looked at Lao Hu and solemnly said to him, "President Park's words are very reasonable! Lao Hu, do you hear me? It's common for young people to fall in love with each other outdoors. Don't make a fuss in the future. How much precious time will President Renpu be delayed! "

"Yes, yes, I know, I know..." Lao Hu was very embarrassed to flatter, but his heart was filled with resentment. It seems that the injury on his face will be in vain. Although his mouth is so obedient, but his heart is a million unconvinced. At the moment, his mind is thinking about how to get out of this evil spirit. Lao Hu's brain was working fast. His eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of a perfect way! After a while, when Park Min Ho leaves, he must take a picture of the two of them together with his mobile phone. Park minhao and his girlfriend entered the police station in the middle of the night. I'm afraid that with the news and photos sold to the newspaper office together, I'm afraid that he can get a good reward from the media? Lao Hu was very happy when he thought about it. As long as he thought that he would have a steady stream of money, he would be very happy!

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go." Park Min Ho looked at Lao Hu and said to song Junyan.

Song Junyan nodded his head and watched Park Min Ho leave with a smile.

After that, Hu Minxi and Lao Xinluo take out their mobile phones. He looked at Song Junyan next to him. He had once again been seriously involved in his work. So, while song Junyan didn't see it, Lao Hu took a picture of Park Minho in the back. Finally, he took a lot of photos of Park Min Ho and Luo Xiwei, but the only drawback was that these photos were taken from the back, and no front-end photos were taken. As a result, Lao Hu walked forward reluctantly. When Park Min Ho and Luo Xiwei were about to get on the bus, Lao Hu was quick again and took n consecutive pictures.

Now, Lao Hu looked at so many photos in his mobile phone and felt very happy. He finally got a positive picture of Park Min Ho and Luo Xi Wei! He was very happy to move the mobile phone, to the mobile phone to himself: "now, I see how you take out my palm heart!" As he spoke and laughed, he turned to enter the door.

However, focusing on his mobile phone and forgetting to look at the road in front of him, Lao Hu suddenly bumped into a very solid body! He looked up and saw that he ran into song Junyan, who stood beside him!

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