The next morning, Luo Xiwei wakes up from the comfortable big bed of the hotel. She pondered over what happened last night and felt a little headache. She felt as if she remembered something vaguely and as if everything was in a daze. Looking at the wine bottles and two wine glasses piled on the sofa of the hotel, she gradually remembered that park minhao and her were taken to the police station by an uncle named Lao Hu last night. Originally she was afraid, but park Min Ho's fearlessness saved them, or in other words, park Min Ho's identity saved them. Luo Xiwei always felt that if Park Min Ho was just an ordinary person, even if they were wronged, it would not be so easy to get out of it. Moreover, she still remembered that song Junyan was flattering and apologizing, which shows how different Park minhao is.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiwei actually pursed her lips and laughed. But he's no longer his boyfriend, is he? No matter how different he is, no matter how powerful he is, what does it have to do with himself? Luo Xiwei has some doubts in her heart. She thinks about the things last night carefully. After they came out of the police station, she got on Park Min Ho's SUV. Then, park Min Ho took her and went to park Min Ho's hotel together.

The hotel or the room, everything around is very familiar. No matter how much Luo Xiwei didn't want Park Min Ho to follow her into her room, park Min Ho still went. He didn't make any excuses. He just said that he had just entered the police station and was a little frightened, so he had to drink a drink to suppress his shock.

"You want a drink? You can drive home and drink slowly Luo Xiwei said to park minhao, "drive home from here, within ten minutes, you can lie on your sofa. At that time, you can drink as much as you want."

"No way." Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei and said obstinately, "the wine here is different from that in my house. That's what I want to drink here

Luo Xiwei was obstinate, so she reluctantly agreed. She asked Park Minho if it would be bad. Would your girlfriend be upset if she knew you were out drinking in the middle of the night? And if you drink, how do you drive home?

Park Min Ho took a casual look at Luo Xiwei: "you don't need to take care of this. The hotel will naturally have staff to do my driving." He glanced at the corner of his mouth Would you be upset if I drank too much

"I have no right to be unhappy." Luo Xiwei said to park minhao, "have you already dumped me unilaterally?"

"Yes Park Min Ho laughed, "I'm crazy. But, I just want to know, would you be unhappy if I drank too much when I dumped you? "

Luo Xiwei glanced at Park Min Ho and said to him, "your question is meaningless. You are already an irrelevant person to me. If you drink too much, why am I not happy? "

"Good!" Park Min Ho was crazy, and a bottle of wine immediately poured down his stomach.

"Can you stop drinking like that?" Luo Xiwei said to park minhao anxiously, "if you drink like this, it's easy to get drunk." , the fastest update of the webnovel!