"Not necessarily." Park Min Ho said, "it's just that location, it's exactly the location in your office."

"President Park, in this case, you hang up first. I'll ask Lao Hu what's going on. I'll explain it to you later. Do you think so?" Song Junyan said to park minhao politely, "I'll call you on your mobile phone in person and give you a reply. What do you think?"

"Good." Park Min Ho replied neatly, "then I'll wait for your good news."

"OK!" Song Junyan hung up the phone and got angry. He suddenly remembered that when he appeared in front of Lao Hu's face in front of the office last night, Lao Hu immediately hid his mobile phone and looked flustered. Is this the old fool? Song Junyan was suspicious of Lao Hu. However, according to park Min Ho's analysis, it seems that the person who took this photo must be Lao Hu! As for how the media got this photo, song Junyan thought for a moment. Didn't Lao Hu say to send a photo to his wife yesterday? So, this matter is either Lao Hu or Lao Hu's wife! Holding the unclear psychology, song Junyan dialed Lao Hu's mobile phone.

It's a woman on the phone. The woman's voice was restless, with 10000 points of attack in her words. The other side was like eating dynamite, which made song Junyan feel puzzled! He once thought he had the wrong number! However, looking at the number on the phone, he checked it every second and found that there was nothing wrong.

"Police station, right? I'm looking for you The woman's voice seemed a little pungent, "our old Hu was hit by a car last night, and has been unconscious until now. Can you tell me if this is a work-related injury? How to deal with it? What's more, Lao Hu's face is full of injuries, but the doctor said that the injury was not caused by the accident, but had happened more than an hour before, and some of the wounds had begun to scab. Did he get hurt while he was on duty, and then he got sick and had a car accident? This matter, you must give me an account! Otherwise, I will carry Lao Hu's body to your bureau and make trouble! " The woman said with great ferocity, and began to wail.

"Yes Is it sister-in-law? " Song Junyan can hear that Lao Hu has a car accident! His mood is a little complicated, I really don't know what to do. He had no choice but to comfort him, "sister-in-law, we are very sorry for such a thing. But, sister-in-law, Lao Hu has always been a good man. I believe that lucky people have their own natural features, and Lao Hu will surely wake up. "

"What's the use of saying it?" The woman continued to splash on the phone, "if there is something wrong with our old Hu, I will not let you go! Lao Hu is so diligent and conscientious in his work. He is often on duty in the middle of the night and has given him so many tasks and tasks. Now when something happens to him, you must be responsible for it to the end! "

"Sister in law, I will report this matter to the leader immediately." Song Junyan said, "by the way, sister-in-law, which hospital is Lao Hu in now? Let's go and see him now. "

"Jiangchuan hospital!" The woman's voice was close to hysteria, "he's all blamed for you, all of you, all of you..." Mrs. Hu probably said that she was tired and poor in words. She even said several "blame you".

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